An Awkward Encounter

Start from the beginning

Fan-Fucking-Tastic. Woke them up in their shitty nap time now they're gonna call the cops or something? Fuck me.

I looked on, they seem more intrigued then scared, maybe I can push past them. As I was about to walk towards them they seemed to elect someone to try and make contact, the one who was fascinated by my gun and almost flawlessly guessed my character seemed to cop the short straw, but the group followed a bit further behind.

"Hi, big scary tin man.."

Ex-Fucking-Scuse me?

She continued. "You see you kind came out of no where and broke our floor and our door and kind of look intimidating and like you're about to rip out a chainsaw and kill us all..."

Least she has that much right.

"I'm sure you won't though.. Can you maybe talk to us? I'm sure it's a big misunderstanding" She said, fidgeting a bit with her fingers. The humans behind her took defensive positions.

I stood there, staring at her.

Talk, huh? I'd rather not talk... Ah! VEGA!

I remembered a certain AI which can hopefully tell them to fuck off for me, I don't think the finger will cut it this time. I grabbed the chip, plugging it in God knows where, and soon enough that familiar blue icon and loveable voice spoke to me once more.

"Hello! I am VEGA - The sentient intelligence assigned to Mars..."

There was a moment of silence as he was no doubt figuring things out.

"I see, you made a backup of me, Doomslayer. I thank you very much. However with the suits passive argent collection powering my systems and lack of processing units I can only operate at 2.1% capacity." He explained.

'Yeah thanks, bit of a problem here though VEGA.' I interjected before he could explain. Ruby and the others were still staring at me. 'I can't speak to them, I hope you can.'


"Hello! I am VEGA, the sentient intelligence assigned to Mars." His chipper voice spoke to them, she looked on in shock.

Ruby spoke first: "It's a robot..?"

Followed by the bitch with the white hair. "Impossible! Only Atlas has access to such technology."

A third with green eyes spoke next. "What is Mars?" Though it didn't seem like a direct question to me.

Wait. They didn't know mars? Gee. Kids nowadays are apparently poorly educated.

"Please don't misunderstand, I am simply an assistant A.I to the Doomslayer. As for Atlas my records hold no information on the subject."

'Thanks buddy.'

And a raucous of chat followed.

Fucking. Kids.

I took out my combat shotgun and shot the roof, some of the plaster falling down. Ruby backed up a bit before inching closer again.

"There is someone in there? And that's a different shotgun! It looks so cool, can I see??" She inched even closer, a few behind tried to say it was a bad idea.

Wow. What a character.

She was close enough to reach my shotgun and did so, I sent it back to where the rest of the weapons lay and grabbed both her wrists as they reached for where my shotgun was.

"Eep!" She screamed and the others instantly protested.

"Let go of her!" The blonde one from earlier said. I didn't care.

I lifted her off the ground and walked, holding her infront of me. Luckily I was considerably taller then her so holding her above the ground was easy, despite her struggling.

The group considered charging in, but probably realised that I could literally blast their heads off seeing as though they have no weapons. I walked through the middle of the group and into where I landed. I waltzed towards where I first saw her and slammed her violently onto the highly unstable looking top bunk.

"Ahh!.. Huh?" Ruby looked at me, in the dim light I could see she had silver eyes. I didn't stay long, I went to leave and shooed away the group of kids by the door, pointing at the beds.

"I think what he is trying to say is, go back to bed please." VEGA kindly translated for me.

A blonde boy who looked like he wanted to get out of the situation agreed instantly. "Yeah, you know what? That is a brilliant idea." And he walked back through the unbroken door, a few looking on in disbelief. I started walking off in the opposite direction I went the first time.

"Wait! If you're not from Atlas and you're not a robot, where are you from?" The one with Emerald eyes and hazelnut hair asked.

"The UAC found the Doomslayer entombed in a sarcophagus in the Kadingir Sanctum in hell, and was retrieved by Samuel Hayden, CEO of the UAC. His origins remain unclear and we know very little about him, apart from what we gathered from the Slayers Testaments."

Another lady opened her mouth to ask but was interrupted.

"I think that is quite enough, you kids should be going back to bed." A commanding, yet calm voice spoke. Behind the teenagers a much older man spoke. Donning a nice jacket and weird, small glasses. Unlike the kids he wasn't in his pajamas and he had grey hair.

"Give our new friend some space." He continued. And the small group all went back into their rooms, but a few heads where poking out, I spotted the silver eyes as one of them.

He gave me a bad vibe. I would rather avoid getting into conflict, and VEGA probably realised that too.

"Hello, I am VEGA. If you do not mind we would appreciate it if you could let us take our leave."

'Real smooth jackass.' I said to VEGA.

"Sure sure, right this way to the exit."

You're kidding me - that worked?!

"Well we will need to have a little chat first, you are on our school grounds after all."

Never lucky, huh.

I stuck the universal sign up at him and walked past. He seemed a touch shocked but I couldn't care less. However I only got so far before I was pulled back again, shit.

"Doomslayer, it seems the tether system has malfunctioned." VEGA said, out loud, for everyone to hear.

'For Fucks Sake. Never Fucking Lucky.'

"It appears you have been tethered to a human being."

This was news, and while I don't think many of the people behind me understand, the old man looked on with great curiosity, as did a few behind.

"I really think we should have a chat, Mr. Slayer." The glasses man said again.

I turned around. 'VEGA, can you figure out who I'm tethered too?' I said, ignoring glasses mans comment entirely.

"Of course Doomslayer, should I temporarily make the tether visible?"

'I prefer you disable it but that'd be a start.'

"Very well."

I looked down the hall, a floating trail of blue electricity went down it, going through glasses man, he looked behind him and we both saw what I was stuck too.

The girl with Silver Eyes.

Oh for Fucks Sake. The crazy gun girl.

So, I wrote this at 1am in the morning off the top of my head from sheer boredom, I hope it's enjoyable to read. I certainly had fun writing it. I made the Slayer come in like this because most other stories make him come in at the forest scene near the start and I wanted to try something new, this just means the real action won't start for a short while so sorry if you read these for that.

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