"Aw, when things were getting cool." says Cy, after Cy and Justin finished their dinner, they went to their room and got ready of sleep.

"Goodnight brother." says Justin.

"Goodnight bro." Cy responds.

4 years ago

A 13 year old Cy is walking around a street and he sees a kid getting robbed in the street, sure he does look like he's used to it, but Cy actually goes to their location.

"Hey, leave this kid alone!" Cy shout outs to the thiefs.

"Or what?" says thug one.

"Oh look at that hair, he thinks he's so cool." says thug 2 and all the thugs laugh to death, Cy then gets his scroll and calls a hospital.

"Hey we need an ambulance in around 5 minutes... How many people? There are... 5, 5 people... Cool bye." says Cy talking to the person at the other side of the phone.

"Think twice kid, because you'll need the ambulance later." says thug 3 and all the thugs walk to Cy.

(video time 1:07)

The thugs run to Cy, Cy grabs the nearest one by the neck and throws him to the second nearest one, he then punches another thug in the face, dislocating his jaw, he then sees one of the thugs get a gun, so Cy grabs a metal pipe, that's on the thug, that he's holding, hands, and throws at the guy with the gun, but then Cy gets tackled by the last thug to a wall, the thug then proceeds to punch Cy in the face, the thug that Cy held, knees him in the stomach, the thug that Cy fought first was about to punch him, but Cy avoids the punch, making the thug punch the wall and break his hand, Cy then almost got knee strike by the thug who rammed him to the wall, but Cy pushed him away to the other thug that punched him in the face. The second thug who Cy fought, tried to punch him, but Cy blocked the punch, then thug then grabbed Cy's hair with his other hand and rammed him into a garbage bin, twice, Cy then got out by kneeing the guy in the balls then punched the thug in the right eye. Cy now seems tired, but he can't stop now, two thugs are walking at a line, Cy then wall jumps pass the front one and he punches the one from behind, Cy was about to elbow strike the one that was front of him at first, but he punches Cy's head to wall, but then Cy punches the guy in the face, knocking him out. The guy who was punched by Cy gets him into a choke hold, but Cy does several elbow strikes in the stomach and one at the liver region, he did get out then Cy push kicks the thug to the floor, the thug falls down and Cy punches the thug at the throat. Cy then gets on his knees, but he sees the thug who punched the wall get up, so Cy got up, he's tired, but he hopes that just 3 punches are necessary, the thug has a pretty high chance to knock him out with one punch, and Cy can only dodge for so long before he can't anymore. Cy throws one jab, then another, the thug throws a hook, Cy barely dodges and Cy finished off with a hook at the thug, knocking the thug out, but Cy falls down at the same direction that he punched.

(Pause the song)

Cy went to the boy.

"Hey, you alright?" Cy asks the boy, the boy nods in response, "You seem like you need a place to stay, if you want... what's your name?"

"Justin." Justin responds.

"I'm Cy, nice to meet you." says Cy.

Present time

Cy and Justin wake up, got ready to go to Beacon, Justin got his Raven (I forgot to mention that Justin has a Raven) and went to Beacon on their motorcycles. When they got to their airships, they found a spot to sit at, Cy got his Nintendo Switch and began to play Zelda Breath of the Wild and Justin closes his eyes for a bit.

"Hey Cy and Justin." says a girl.

"Hey Yang and Ruby." Cy responds and he realizes what he said "Wait, Ruby is here?" Justin woke up and his face also seems mind blown.

"Yeah, I was able to skip two years." Ruby responds.

"Congrats." says Cy.

"Indeed." Justin agrees.

"But anyway." says Ruby and Ruby began to geek over Justin's weapons.

"Hey what games do you have? Have Street Fighter 2?" asks Yang and Cy switches games and gave Yang a controller. After awhile, a hologram of someone who seems like a teacher.

"Hello and welcome to Beacon." says the teacher.

"Who's that?" Yang asks.

"My name is Glynda Goodwitch." Glenda responds.

"Convenient." says Cy.

"You are privileged few who have received the honor of being a selected to attend this prestigious academy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect the world." says Glynda and the hologram goes, then the students look at the view.

"Oh wow!" says Ruby "Look you can see Signal from up here. Home isn't too far after all."

The four hear a boy vomiting, and he passes by.

"Well the view isn't for everyone." says Cy.

"It was nice though." says Justin.

"I wonder who we're gonna meet! I just hope they're better than vomit boy." says Ruby "Ah! Yang! You got puke on your shoe!"

"Gross gross gross!" says Yang.

"Yang come on!" Cy shouts out, Justin just sits back down and gave his Raven some food.

The End

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