The Twins

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Days later the child was sold to some scientist that wished to experiment the child who had a big level of drug abuse and is able to withstand any poison or drugs. The child was glad that he got away from his father but sad but he knew he had to move on with life. He thought that finally he was going to have the life that he wanted but then it all came crashing down. He was taken to a old abandon factory in which they saw " this for the heroes" the greater of humanity" heroes will admire us". Each look at there eyes was with list for power and the more they looked at the child the more the child grew weary. The stabs that he felt on his stomach was the most painful feeling he ever felt he always screamed until he passed out in pain. He was poisoned several times a day without him knowing. But his body got rid of the virus after 30 minutes and every time a new and powerful poison will be given to him.

Every new poison would damage him so badly that sometime he even went blind and one day a hero came. The hero Endeavour came and that's when (M/n) thought that he was finally would be rescued but the hero just saw him and smiled at the scientist and that's when it all came crashing down. Heroes are suppose to protect those who are unable to protect themselves but now he was seeing the Holiness of this hero and he didn't like it one bit.

The day that he left was the day that a horrible event happen and that was that his quirk manifested and his quirk was called slime.

He became a boy that can be slime and do many things. From transforming into things to mutating with things he ate and he earned quirks with every new person that he ate. He is able to turn to a puddle and shape into any container that he wished to be. He was able to mutate and have horns and a dragon tail since he was mutated to much and he hides these features in fear that he will be tested again.  But on a faithful day he was wasn't dying but yearned for homemade food and was asking to eat something good. Until he followed the scent and came to a black house and saw that a window was open and he walked in and followed the scent to a kitchen where a lady with long white hair and black nightgown and she turned at me and I was in a white ripped t shirt and black and white shorts that are ripped by the tips and with bandages for shoes so (M/n) looked up and stared at the heterosexual eye color and with white and black eye staring at him "you hungry?" Said the female and (M/n) just nod while his stomach grumbled and the girl just smiled and took a soup bowl and put it in the bowl before serving it in another bowl. Grabbing the two bowls the girl then took it to a table and put the bowl on the table the small child woof down the soup and the girl just smiled and ate her food. She then stands up surprising the small child making him weary. Then she walks to the kitchen and comes with two cups of apple juice surprising the child who drinks instantly before choking. "Its okay little guy take it slow next time" said the female that just smiled. Now from the light he notice that the girl had scars on her face and was one on her left eye that was a straight line and one on her nose that was a straight and one going horizontal on her mouth. (M/n) was mad about this since such a kind lady can get hurt. He then proceed to hug her and the lady then notice sniffles "are you okay child?" Who did this to you?" A hero that just wanted money and fame and by that I was in his way and glass fell upon me" the child held onto her nightgown and cried. "Why must everything beautiful always get hurt" Do you wish to become family?" The lady then felt the child feel tensed but nodded "sure I would love that" said the child.

Extended ending

"HONEY IM HOME" said a teen who was in a red hoodie and underneath a blue flower dress that reached to her ankles white wearing some leggings and with a cap on her head. She notices a kid on her sisters lap and she then says "holy shit, holy shit I told you one day you will be mother I told you child but no someone said that sister Angel is crazy" a shoe was thrown at Angel making her pass on the floor "that's your sister Angel"



Dark out

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