The Start

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The mornings should be fun and exciting for a child. Where a child should run and hide in the playground but for this child never had that. He didn't have love nor affection. He was always hurt with scars and bruises but always put a smile on his face. Nobody knew that he hide a dark secret behind the close doors.

This child is the son of a alcoholic poor man that used his son as many times as he wanted. He beat him up with bottles, belt and cables and he did all on his childs back. This man never cared one bit for this child after the mother died the man became more meaner. Always asking for the impossible to the small child that had no experience in the world. Asking for the food to be served at a specific time. The house to be cleaned or even to go and buy drinks. He was only was able to clean and cook but never buy his drinks since he was underage. And because of this he will get the whip off his back and never felt affection. And always having peace in only in his school life since home will always be his hell. When he fell in school and a bit of red stained his uniform he would always blamed the paint since the only time he fell was in art class.

He grew up with nice people in his class. But one day he was very badly damaged he wasn't able to stand up.

He had been kicked in the stomach many times leaving him black bruises in his stomach

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He had been kicked in the stomach many times leaving him black bruises in his stomach. He have also been stabbed in his back but not near his spine. He had foam in his mouth by the amount of drugs that was given to him. He was tied behind his back and strong rope was tying him still but somehow he was still unconscious because he was getting used to the drugs. The only thoughts that he had was to survive but the blood that was coming out told him otherwise. His father was in the other room watching TV while he was in the kitchen he was able to wiggle to the living room hallway before he heard a knock at the door in which his father answered. He thought that he was going to be saved and in the corner he saw the hero Endeavor and he was happy that his Second Favorite hero was at the door. He tried to scream and wail but it all came to a squeak. "What was that?"  asked Endeavor and my father just said " its the rats that in trying to get rid off" he smiled so kindly that the hero left and that's when hell started all over again.

Never in my life I wanted to die so much

"Mom help me"

(M/n) was breathing heavily and his eyes widened before he saw the shadow of his father coming right to his face.



Yeah first chapter of a whole new series




Not what it seems like (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora