Chapter 6: Too Much Salt Will Kill You

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Lee blinked as his vision was coming back. He heard muffled voices shouting and he heard someone else puking. "Open the damn door! You can't keep us in here!" Larry's voice shouts as his fist pounds on the door to the cooler him, you, Clem, Kenny, Lilly and Lee were trapped in.


"Will you stop that banging! We've gotta find another way out of here!" Kenny shouts at Larry.

"You sick fucking bastards!" Larry continues to shout as Lee looks over to see you and Clem not too far from him. Clem looks over and saw Lee waking up and runs to him. "Lee! It-it was a person! They tried to make us eat a person!" Clem exclaims. "But you didn't do it..." Lee said.

"No..." Clem replied.

"I didn't either." You said.

"The rest of us did, dammit! If you hadn't dragged your feet--" Larry started to shout until Lilly shouts over him. "C'mon, Dad. Now's not the time."

"That evil fucker invited me to eat the meat and all the time he knew what it was..." Larry shouts. "Stay calm, Dad. We'll deal with it later." Lilly assures while Lee looks between you and Clem. "You okay, kiddos?" He asked.
"They didn't hurt you two, did they?" You shook your head as Clem said. "Besides the kick I got from Andy, no."

"OPEN UP!" Larry shouts as he goes back to pounding the door with his fists. "Lee, those psychos have my family, and we're stuck in a damn meat locker! We've gotta get the fuck outta here!!" Kenny said, frantically.

"This damn thumbsucker was the one who brought us here!!" Larry shouts as he walks over to Lee and Kenny.
"Will you all just shut the fuck up?!" Kenny shouts back at him.

"I'm scared!" You said.

"Me too." said Clem.

"Don't be. It's gonna be okay....I'm gonna find us a way out of here..." Lee assures you two as he stands up.

Lee started looking around the locker until Larry started to say. "I'll break the damn door down!" He almost sounded like he was out of breath.
"Dad! You can't get--" Lilly tried to warn until Larry clutches his chest and started to cry out in pain. "Easy..." Lilly said. Larry groans then said. "Oh God..." and he falls down to the floor.

"DAD!" Lilly shouts and she kneels down next to her dad's body. "No! Dad, come on! DAD!!" She screams while you and Clem gasped. Lilly puts her ear on Larry's chest. "Oh God, he's stopped breathing. I think he's had a heart attack!" She said and she began to push down on Larry's chest

"Shit! Is he dead?" Kenny asked.

"He's not dead. Somebody help me!" Lilly screams.

"Fuuuuuck....if he's dead...."


Kenny turns to Lee and said. " know what has to happen, Lee. You saw what happened to that poor bastard back at the motel. How fast he turned."

"What are you saying?" Lilly asked.

"Lilly, I'm sorry. I truly, truly am. But in a few minutes, we're gonna be stuck in a locked room with a six foot four, three hundred, seriously, pissed off dead guy!" Kenny said. "Fuck you! We can bring him back! LEE!" Lilly shouts.

"We'll mourn him later. But right now, we have to keep him from comin' back." said Kenny. Clem gasped in fear as you cried out. "Noooo!"

"Dammit, Kenny! He's not dead!" Lilly growls at him. "Lilly can still save him." Lee said to Kenny. "I wish she could. Believe me, I do. But that man is dead. You both know what happens next." Kenny said.

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