Chapter 5: St. John's Dairy

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You and Clem kept looking out towards the woods, keeping an eye out for your mom, Lee, Mark and the teenager, Ben. Duck tried to get you guys to play but you two were so worried about the people you cared about. Sometime later, Carley and Ben, who was carrying a basket, came back to tell you guys about the farm that two brothers, Andy and Danny, live looked legit and safe.

Carley handed the basket, which had some biscuits, to you and the others and told everyone about the farm and that Katjaa should go cuz the St. John's had a sick cow. Lilly still wanted to check it out so she lead the rest of you guys to the farm while Carley and Ben stayed at the motor inn to keep look out.

You, Clem, Duck, Kenny, Katjaa, Lilly and Larry all started to make your way to the path of the farm. Finally, you see a fence surrounding a large two story house with a large red building to the side. Up ahead, you see The St. John brothers with a heavyset woman talking to Lee and Mark. "Hey y'all!" Kenny greeted them until all of you saw that Mark had an arrow in his shoulder.

"Mark! Oh my God, what happened?" Katjaa exclaims in fear as all of y'all run up to him. "He got shot with an arrow." Lee replied. "Shit! Are you gonna be okay?" Lilly asked Mark, who was clutching his injured shoulder. "Yeah, I'm fine. I should just....pull it out...." said Mark.

"Oh no, honey, c'mon, Brenda's got you." The woman said as she walks up to Mark. "C'mon inside now. We'll have you all sorted out." And she, Katjaa and Mark walk up to the house.

"What kind of shit is this?!" Larry asked Lee, angrily. "We ran into some people on the way up here...bandits I guess. I think it was them that attacked us. "They gave us a lot of problems in the beginning, killed a bunch of our farmhands. We were able to get 'em to stop by makin' a deal." Andy informed.

"You knew about these people?" Kenny asked him, suspiciously. "Food for protection. Not like we had much of a choice, but they did stop hasslin' us." Danny replied. "Dammit! Carley said this place was locked down tight!" Larry growls. "Maybe it isn't as safe here as we thought." Lee remarked as he glares at the brothers.

"We're sorry! We've never had them screw with us like this! Not since we started givin' 'em food! Listen, we may have had an agreement with those people, but we will NOT stand for this shit." Andy said. "Ain't no way we're gonna let those sons o' bitches get away with this!" Danny said with determination.

"You know where these assholes are?" asked Kenny. "They're hard to pin down, but I think I know where at least one of their camps are." Danny said before he looks over at Lee. "When you're ready to go scope out that bandit camp, come find us." Then he and Andy walk back over to the house.

"Bandits? Are you serious? This place isn't safe. We can't stay here." Lilly said. "Not safe?! This place is a hell of a lot safer than that motor inn! I think all of us and our guns can handle a couple of punks with bows and arrows! What we need to do is find a way to get our whole group out here to stay. Take this place over if we have to." Kenny said. "Cool your jets there, Rambo. These are nice people. Let's not do anything to get us thrown out before we eat." Larry warned Kenny.

"I'm gonna head out and help Dan deal with these bandits. You guys should try to make friends with Andy and Brenda while I'm gone." Lee said to them. "Well, that's easy. I've got charm coming out of my ass." Larry said with a smile. "Yeah, that's...real charming, dad." Lilly remarked, sarcastically.

"Where's Carley and Ben?" Lee asked, noticing that they weren't around.
"Since Carley and Ben ate some of the food on the way back to get us, she volunteered to stay behind and watch the motor inn until we get back." Lilly replied as Andy walks back up to Lee.

"Hey, I remembered seeing kids in your group, so I went ahead and fixed that swing while you were out." Andy said before he turns to you, Clem and Duck. "Hope you kids like swings!" He said. "A swing! I love swings!" You exclaimed. "Yeah, just like my treehouse! Come on, guys!" Clem said and the three of you run to the swing.

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