Take me Home

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"Should I give you two a minute?" They turned to see Seven leaning against the door. The glint from the bright light of the break room on his glasses hid his eyes from them, but the mischievous smirk on his lips had heat rising to her cheeks. She looked down quickly and moved away from Zen.

"I was just talking to her about you." Zen said smoothly. Standing from his chair, he dusted off his slacks and motioned to Seven. "MC, this is Seven, the hacker in our group." He motioned back towards her. "Seven, this is MC! Our adorable coordinator."

"I know who she is already." Seven pushes himself off of the door and strode her way. He held his hand out to her, the smirk never leaving his lips. "Nice to meet you MC." He raised his free hand to adjust his glasses so she could see him giving her a quick wink. She sighed softly as she took his hand and gave it a small shake. He didn't want Zen knowing they had met in person already, that much was evident.

"You take care of MC now, no reckless driving." Zen chided as Seven released her hand. Seven chuckled and shook his head slowly as he eyed the taller man down.

"Thank you for taking care of me you two..." She mumbled as she bowed her head. "I'll... I'll go get my bag." She shuffled her way past them and to her locker. Her purse was retrieved and she was back standing by Sevens side without a word shared between the two males. "I'm ready." When the words were out of her mouth, Sevens arm instantly draped over her shoulders. She jolted at the familiar touch and glanced at him to see his smirk turned into a cocky grin as he eyed down Zen, who was glaring at him in return.

"I'll walk the two of you out." Zen's voice was flat as he narrowed his eyes at Seven in particular. The redhead shrugged at the statement and turned the two of them towards the door.

"Fine by me, to the car. You can't come with to the apartment. Top secret." He called to Zen over his shoulder. MC heard the taller man grunt angrily before she was being led out of the building by Seven. Zen followed behind them, not straying more than three steps behind as they made their way across the street to a waiting sleek white sports car. She felt her jaw go slack in shock when Seven lead her to the passenger side and held the door open for her.

"This is your car?" She asked.

"Yeah, this is my newest baby." He slapped the top lightly with a bright smile on his face. "Maybe I'll show you the rest sometime."

"Way to keep things professional." Zen muttered behind them. Seven shot him a look before returning to smiling brightly at MC. She furrowed her brows, when had they discussed keeping things professional between the group. When Seven saw her questioning gaze he waved his hand absently.

"Come on, let's get you home so you can rest." He motioned to the interior and she gave him a small nod. His hand was warm as he held hers to steady it, she slipped into the low set leather seat and pressed her purse to her stomach as she cautiously glanced around the interior. She knew that Jumin had quite a bit of money, she had no idea that Seven was rich enough to own not only a car like this, but multiple cars at once.

"Just text or call me if you need anything, alright darling?" Zen shoved himself past Seven to lean over her opened door and hold his head close to her own. He gave her a warm smile and a small wink that made her press her lips together firmly to hide her nervousness as she gave him a short nod.

Seven made his way around the front of the car, he the drivers side door and slipped inside before shutting it firmly. He clicked his tongue as he slid the key into the ignition and finally turned his attention to Zen. "If you don't mind," he motioned to her still opened door, "We do have to get going, someone has to get some rest." The white haired male scowled a bit before returning his bright smile to MC.

"Right, get some rest, darling." Zen gripped the top of the door as he spoke. "Don't forget to hop in the chat alright, let us know how you're doing. Don't leave us in suspense."

"O-okay." MC shifted uncomfortably in her seat as Seven reached over her to buckle her seatbelt. Zen shook his head a bit as he pulled back to close her door. Once it was shut, Seven turned the key and the car hummed to life. He was quiet as he pulled away from the curb, his eyes locked on the road and his brows laid firm over his eyes. MC looked from his stern features to her purse as she adjusted herself into a more comfortable position in her seat. A red light had him cursing softly under his breath but gave her enough time to finally break the silence.

"Are you-" as soon as she began to speak, he did as well.

"Why did you have a panic attack at work, right by Zen of all people?" She pressed her lips together before letting out a soft sigh. His question was asked in a stern tone and he still hadn't looked away from the red light.

"I- um..." She looked away from him as she clenched her fingers around the strap of her bag, twisting it between her hands. "There was a crowd and I, I couldn't get their attention. Zen helped me but... my manager was coming and he looked angry and-"

"Are you going to be okay, if V wants to do the party you will be required to show up." She dropped her head in a half nod.

"I just wasn't prepared at the moment."

"I don't like that you could be caught off guard like that, and in front of Zen."

"It won't happen again. Like I said I was caught off guard." They were moving again, so she chanced looking at him as she spoke. When she did, she saw his golden eyes locked on her own. Her breath caught in her throat and she looked away from him quickly once again.

"I'm not trying to sound the way I'm coming off..." Seven sighed as he reached up to rub the back of his neck. "It just worried me. Zen had to call to tell me you were fainted from a panic attack. He was there first and I couldn't do anything but come to take you home." His lips fell into a firm line as they neared her apartment building. She leaned back against the seat and let out a slow breath.

"It's... it's okay Seven, really. He just happened to be there. It's not like it was on purpose." She gave him a gentle smile as she added. "Besides, it was sort of nice to meet someone else from the RFA. I'm worried that a lot of them won't know who I am, what would happen if I was needed but can't help because they don't trust me."

"Don't take this the wrong way, but..."

She shook her head, already knowing what he was going to say. "No one can trust me yet right? You are all just crossing your fingers that I'm not some crazy person who lives near all your important information."

"If it's any consolation, I want to trust you." He mumbled, if she wasn't paying attention to him at the time she may not have caught it over the sound of the engine as he pulled into the parking lot. The small quirk to her lips could be simply from being back home, but she knew it was because of his words giving her a bit more confidence in herself. If the one who knew the most about her would say that, then maybe the other's would follow suit soon and she could relax a bit. It would be easier to deal with everything if she could have people she didn't have to feel so wound up and tense around.

"Thank you." She mumbled back as he pulled into a parking spot. His hand landed on her shoulder in a gentle pat as he gave her a small but warm smile. He turned the car off and slipped the keys in his pocket before stepping out and she followed suit, their doors shut in unison and soon they were making their way around the building to the front doors. She took in the sights around her as they walked, this was the first time she saw the building from this angle, it was a wide building but thin, not half as large as she imagined it was when she saw it the first time.

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