A gift from the RFA

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As soon as the text went through to Seven the door to the apartment was opening slightly before her. She tucked her phone into her pocket as she stepped inside and kicked off her shoes. It was hot and stuffy inside, she quickly shed her large sweater in response and wondered around the space in just her tank top and leggings. She had already eaten so there was no point in cooking, she had checked emails on her walk so there was no use in going through them either. That left her sitting on the couch with her cheek propped on her palm as she scrolled through the chats that she had missed while she was out and about. Yoosung had made it into a guild on his game, Zen had a new acting gig he was looking into, Jumin posted another image of Elizabeth the third- she quickly saved it to the folder she made for the cat in her phone- and Jaehee was concerned over the fact that her boss was ignoring work for his cat. Seven hadn't been in the chats much, and like always when he was in the chats he left quickly to work.

She slipped down until she was laying halfway across the couch and let her breath out in a long slow stream. Boredom was slowly overtaking her mind as she allowed her eyes to slip closed. Ray was nice, she thought as she rested her head on her arms, here I thought it would be weird meeting people in person in a city like this. As Mc allowed herself to think over the soft spoken young man, a loud chime echoed from her phone. She turned slightly to grab it and held it up to look at the alert. A text from 707.


Guess what this God of hacking did!


Hmmm... hacked into Jumin's Elly 3 photo folder.


Child's play.

I'll send you a copy of it later ;3

But No! I got you something so you aren't dead bored.

She smiled at the phone, he seemed to be emphatically connected to her, he could just sense when she was feeling bored or confused or playful.


And what would that be oh God of hacking?


Go turn on your tv and see.

She frowned, the tv didn't work, he should know that. With an uncertain grunt, she stood and made her way to the low coffee table in front of the tv. She lifted the remote and aimed it at the screen before pressing the power button, ready to text and ask him what she was supposed to do next when the screen exploded in colors and sounds. She fumbled with the remote, nearly dropping it in her haste to get the volume turned lower. When she finally calmed down enough to pay attention to what was on the screen she saw that it was a news channel doing an exposé on a young singing actress. She let out a calming sigh as she pressed her hand against her chest. Then, turned to grab her phone off of the couch.


You got me cable?


It was a group effort.

I wanted to get you a system so you could play games.

But it's Jumin's money so...


Jumin helped get me cable?

How am I supposed to pay for this???


By doing your job, Miss Coordinator.

She snorted at this, so this was their way of paying her back for answering the emails. Not exactly a part time job, but it could be a form of internship. Either way it was sweet of them to think of her.


Thank you.

The rest of her time awake that night was spent mindlessly flipping through channels and noting the ones that interested her while messaging the others without really getting into their business. She saved Ray's name in her phone, the card was of a slightly heavier stock than she would go for, and the letters on it shimmered in the light. She could tell right away that it could easily belong to a CEO rather than a student and that confused her slightly. Maybe he was rich? Maybe her wild imagination had got it right and he wasn't just polite to her because he wanted to be. Maybe he was raised to be proper like that. He was pretty quiet, a shy type just like her on any normal day. She thought back to when she noticed the red on his cheeks and her mind assured her with theories. Perhaps he wasn't just shy but embarrassed as well. Did she say anything embarrassing during their conversation? Was she being pushy during their conversation?

She groaned and hid her eyes behind her forearm. Of course her mind would spin every encounter with an actual person into some horribly embarrassing display. It had done the same thing during her talking to her new boss, which in turn had made her stiff and robot like in her delivery. Diachi was to blame. Her brother, better known as DC, always hyped that part of her brain up with just off handed remarks that stuck with her the rest of the day. What would he say if he witnessed her interaction with Ray? She didn't even want to try to imagine it. He would probably tell the poor white haired boy that she would undress him with her eyes. She wouldn't even think of things like that without her dear older brother being the one to instigate it.

The string of thoughts swirling in her head brought with it a hollow pain in her chest. She missed him, her brother, and her mother and sweet little sister. They were all back in her hometown. Her sister would be graduating high school this year, she wondered if she would be able to make it to the ceremony. Her brother, for all of his jokes and general lack of motivation, did help their mother out whenever he could, he even helped her out from time to time. Working as a game tester from home gave him plenty of money and barely any incentive to actually leave his room to spend it on himself. Their mother worked two jobs until he got his internship at the company he now worked for, then she was home more often and would even pack MC and her sister lunchboxes for school. Though MC was in college at the time she still took hers without complaint, partially due to her upbringing, and partially because she was just happy her mother had time to be normal.

She missed them all, her family, her friends, they all seemed so much farther away now. They were out of her reach and if she couldn't tell them where she lived then there was no way for them to visit. Seven was the only one who even knew where she was, well, V did as well but after the first night V had been absent from the chatrooms. She knew barely anything about the man and wouldn't think twice about closing the door if he ever was on the other side of it. She had nothing against him, she just knew so little about him that he was still just a stranger to her.

Around midnight she pulled herself from the couch and yawned as she slipped the tank off over her head. There was one good thing about living by herself and it was the fact that she didn't have to be fully clothed at all times. Her movements were slow and lethargic as she made her way into the bathroom and slowly turned on the water. Her eyelids were heavy as she switched the setting in the bathtub to shower and stepped inside. The warm water felt heavenly on her skin and her body began to feel even heavier with exhaustion. She leaned against the tile lining the side of the tub before slipping down into a sitting position. Her arms snaked around her folded knees as she slowly allowed her eyes to slip closed.

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