Seven Zero Seven, Defender of Justice!

Começar do início

"So... What, you aren't going to even mention where you ended up living?" He raised his eyebrows behind his glasses, was she really keeping the secret from her 'family'? That could be taken either way, she could be good at keeping secrets or she could be good at following orders, neither was inherently a good or bad thing unless you were trying to figure out if she was safe for your organization that is.

"... sorry bro..." Her pauses caused him to scrunch his eyebrows together, what could they mean? "I promise, once I am able to I will explain everything okay? I am just... a little everywhere right now."

"You're always a little everywhere." Her 'brother' responded around an irritated huff. "Tell me you at least did get the job and didn't run off after some guy..."

"What do you take me for! I am an adult you know!"


"The same can be said for you. How's mom's basement?"

"As comfy as all those teddy bears you've managed to loose."

"Those are collectors editions!" Saeyoung tapped a few keys to take him out of the conversation at this point and yawned as he ground his palms into his eyes. His headphones were returned to their position around his neck and he pushed himself from his chair to turn to the simple bed located behind it. He had told MC that he needed to get some sleep, had almost drifted off while talking to her but her ending the call had jolted him awake. He only hoped he hadn't said anything stupid or telling while he was drifting, that would be bad for both of them.

He sank into the large mattress and allowed his head to hit the pillow with a thump. His body felt like it weighed a million pounds as he reached out for his phone. Alarms were set, messages were checked. He went down the list of everything he had to do even as his eyelids grew heavier. He sank into darkness with the thin device still in his hands, the screen lighting up his face for only a few moments before going dark as well.

He awoke to the faint sound of an alarm going off. His body scrambled up before he was even fully mentally there and made its way to his computers without him having to think about it. One keystroke was all it took to figure out why the alarm was blaring in Rika's apartment. It was completely empty, in the current situation he prioritized safety over politeness and removed to paper to reveal the bathroom. Once it was confirmed that MC leaving had triggered the system, he began working furiously to stop the bomb from actually going off. Seconds later he was breathing a sigh of relief and running his fingers through his hair. The bomb wasn't a good idea on Rika's part, but back then it was like whatever she said sounded perfect to him. Not just him either, she could get anyone in the RFA to agree fully with her point of view effortlessly, there were a lot less fights back then.

"What are you doing MC..." He murmured as he hacked into her phone once again to figure out where she went based on her gps. She wasn't far away, at a large department store nearby the building. Taking a moment, he hacked into the cheap security cameras of the store and scrolled through feed after feed until he found her, looking utterly pitiful as she idly moved dresses around a rack, not really taking anything about them in. An older man stepped up to her and they began to talk. The cheap security cameras the store decided to use stopped him from hearing their conversation, but she seemed very stiff and formal throughout it. He took her hand in his by the end of it and gave it a firm shake. She pulled her phone out immediately as the man left and Saeyoung quickly turned to another monitor, which he brought a live feed of her phone up on. She was texting, the same guy she had the conversation with earlier apparently depending on how she began the conversation.


I just talked to him. He said I have to be at work tomorrow for orientation but he hopes my stuff gets back to me safe and sound.


Lol rekt. I told you that you shouldn't go there. Bosses don't understand.


Okay ass. Anyway, he did look sorta... mad, when I mentioned I may have to take another day.


Should've stayed at home.


Right, stay home, jobless and not moving on with my life. No thanks game freak.


Thanks for reminding me! :D Lolol is calling.

She didn't even reply to that, choosing instead to slip her phone into her purse and run her fingers through her hair. He could see her tension in her stance, even with the poor quality of the video. She was stressed out, she needed to calm down before she snapped and did something idiotic and put the RFA in danger. He had to make sure that didn't happen. He jumped when his phone went off, removing his head from his hands where it had been resting during his time thinking. She had decided to call him, but one look at the clock on his monitor told him that he would have only been asleep an hour or so if he went to bed when he told her he was going. With a soft sigh, he hung his head and let it go to voicemail. She didn't leave him one. He watched as she slipped her phone once again into her purse and moved out of the view of the camera. When his phone went off once again, he glanced down to see none other than V calling him. With a grunt of aggravation, he lifted the phone up and swiftly tapped the screen to answer the call, putting it on speaker phone so he could still work as he talked.


"You don't sound like yourself." V's voice was groggy, the possibility he was just waking or settling down to sleep himself danced through Saeyoung's mind.

"You don't either, what do you need V?" He cracked his knuckles as he spoke then hovered his fingers over his keypad, prepared to begin as soon as the teal haired man spoke.

"It's about the apartment. I got an alert a little while ago and-" V began.

"MC had to go talk to her boss at a store nearby it. She didn't know what would happen if she left without punching in the code. I fixed it." he said this all quickly as he switched from the now boring department store to a feed of live traffic cams, a background facial recognition program running to help the traffic cams switch automatically when she moved between them. It wasn't hard to find her in the first place. She was a block away from the store, squatted down to pet a kitten abandoned in a wooden box by the sidewalk. He felt his lips pull into a smile at the sight, she really was a sweet girl.

"...and we cant be too willing to trust her right away. I am still considering it myself, I'll let you know in a couple of days so just keep sending me everything you have on her. I will come to my decision before I leave for my trip." V's words cut into his thoughts and he rolled his eyes at them. If the other man could see what he had seen- the image of her in only a pair of panties flashed through his mind at the thought and he hit himself in the forehead with his palm, grinding it in to the now sore skin there.

"I'm on it, no worries." He replied simply.

"Good. And Seven..."


"Don't forget to get some sleep. Your health's important too."

"Yeah." Saeyoung sighed as he heard the tell tale sound of V disconnecting from the call. He waited a few moments before locking his phone and turning back to his work. He was supposed to be actually gathering intel on her life before the night she joined the RFA after all, not watching over her like some messed up version of a guardian angel who could do very little indeed to actually guard her at all. She can't be trusted yet... repeated in his mind like a mantra as he worked. V couldn't fully trust her so the RFA couldn't fully trust her, thus he, 707, the hacker that she had somehow bypassed, couldn't fully trust her either. He ground his palms into his eyes as her school history flashed up on his screen. She went to college and studied literature and early childhood development. Her social media pages also showed that even from years back she wanted to be a teacher. She hadn't left any trolling comments on anyone else's posts and she even published a paper on the rights and freedoms of reading to some blog site that only landed her ten views. All ten were probably her correcting mistakes after posting as well if the solitary comment was anything to go off of, a simple apology for a misspelling in the third paragraph. Despite himself, he left an anonymous like on the post. It deserved it.

Making a choiceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora