
Haven't you ever heard of the saying 'you get a treat if you listen to older men'...?

She frowned at the last message. So it was a guy, her hunch was correct, but what made him think that he was older than her?



As she typed, she had to shift to avoid a couple walking past her. The girl was giggling at something the much older man had said and he seemed pleased by it if his smirk was anything to go off of. They were both in clothes that she would never be able to afford, and looking very much out of place among the crowds of common people that she added to the numbers of.


Sorry. I was just kidding ^^;;;



So this guy was just playing with her? She huffed as soon as she read the message and prepared to put her phone away once again.


I know I'm asking too much.


You might think I'm odd.


... I am a bit odd to be honest.

"You got that right." She grumbled, earning a few stares as she began to walk once again. She had to get to her new home before the sun set, the thought of fumbling through her new neighborhood with no idea where to go had her palms sweating.


But would you consider it? I'm talking to you right now.

Two complete strangers at two completely different places... It's a miracle we've connected.

She pouted. If his words were to be believed, then that was true as well.


No one responded to my messages. You're the first one.

Upon reading that, she had slight regret for replying to the guy in the first place.


I don't know how we got connected...

She was unsure of that herself.


But maybe this was meant to be?

Immediately after that message she was looking at a picture of a male, near her own age it seemed, with soft brown hair and very pretty green eyes. He was wearing a flannel and smiling slightly at the camera when the picture was taken. The background appeared to be a city but was a bit too blurry to make out specific buildings. She admitted to herself that he looked cute, in fact this guy looked like he could be a part of a boy band or a dance group, with just enough youthful innocence in his face to have her wondering if she could know more.


That is me in the photo.

She hovered her thumbs over the screen, pondering if she should comment on her thoughts of his looks while struggling with the fact that just a picture shouldn't assure her that the boy in the picture was the one she was talking to.


Maybe this will make you less suspicious...?


I'm returning to Korea soon, so I'll definitely make it up to you.

This brought a confused frown to her lips. He had gone from 'if' to he will be returning soon awfully quickly. The messenger allowed her to scroll up through the messages and it was definitely there. The word 'If' had made her wary in the beginning, now the lack of it was producing the same emotion within her.

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