A text from a stranger

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When her phone did change, it made her nearly jump out of her skin. There was no difference in the black and green background, but sitting before it was a single message.



MC paused in her steps, her eyes locked on the message that had appeared on her phone. There was a simple looking text bar below it that showed her she could reply, but she wasn't sure what to say or who she was even talking to. She decided, after a long moment of debate, to reply to it in the best way to show her sheer confusion.



It didn't take long for a reply to come through, she was half expecting it to say something along the lines of 'oh sorry, wrong number' or for it to be an ad of some kind on a game that accidentally opened that was just simply slow loading. What she didn't expect was for the message to read out:


Can you see this?

Could she see it? She glanced around herself quickly. The street was packed with people coming and going, many with their eyes locked on their phones paying her no mind. There was a white haired delinquent looking guy standing across the street from her, she thought for a moment he could be messing with her. He did look her way for a moment before turning and saying something to a group of people who looked like his friends. The group laughed before moving on with him walking calmly along with them. The sight caused her to let out a soft sigh followed by an even softer huff as she reprimanded herself for suspecting someone based on looks alone.

Her bottom lip slipped between her teeth as she turned her attention back to the phone in her hands.


Who are you?


I'm sure you're surprised.

You don't know the half of it. She thought as she read the message. MC now leaned against the wall of a nearby shop as she tapped her thumbnail against her chin, who was this person?


It's not everyday you get a text from a stranger.

That was true at least. She shrugged her shoulders as she read over the message the stranger sent her. This definitely was no ad, but what was it? Did she download a weird messenger app and not remember it? It was a possibility with how hectic her life had become.


I'm a bit flustered myself.

I found a smartphone at the subway station,

but all it had on it was this messenger app.

She wasn't even sure how she got the app herself, so she could feel a bit of commonality with the stranger. However, that didn't change the fact that it was still a stranger messaging her, or the fact that no matter how she tried she couldn't seem to leave the chat room that now dominated the screen of her phone. As if sensing her unease at these facts, the stranger sent her rapid fire messages.


I want to find the owner,

but I don't see any contact info or call records...

I've been sending messages with this app but no reply...

All I see is and address and some important-looking numbers saved in notes.

I'd like to go there myself but I'm currently abroad...

She felt her brows pull tightly together over her narrowed eyes. What in the world did this have to do with her? And more importantly...


First... who are you?

That simple question unleashed another wave of rapid fire messages.


Me? Oh sorry. I didn't even introduce myself.


I'm just a student studying abroad. I'm Korean.


I could tell you my name, but it doesn't really matter.


You won't find me on search engines ^^.


But, anyways..


Can you help me find the owner of this phone?


I know you're surprised to have someone suddenly pop up and ask you a favor like this.


But still...


I'd appreciate it if you could help.

She frowned and glanced around herself once more, someone had to be messing with her. She could understand someone texting their own phone to get it back, that was normal. But, someone texting random strangers to get a phone to its owner then begging the strangers to help randomly... it was strange.

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