Law Enforcement Part Two: Tagora x Reader

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                                                               **Requested by Okamisan7!**

        Later that night, I was sitting in my bed reading IT by Steven King. The only reason I was reading IT for the seventh time was because IT was my favorite book. My phone dinged, signaling someone was texting me.

'(Y/n), this is your number, correct?


'Ah! Good! So, about that date. I was thinking (favorite sit-down restaurant) tomorrow at 8:00?'

"Sounds great!"

'Oh. About (Ex/n). I have some "friends" working on the case.'

"Nice! See you tomorrow!!"

'Of course! Good night, (Y/n)!'


       I squealed and rolled around until I fell off my bed. I couldn't wait until tomorrow!!

///Timeskip brought to you by coconuts///

       I sat down at a table for two at (restaurant). About 5 minutes later, Tagora walked in.  He spotted me nigh instantaneously, smiled, and walked over. He took his seat across from me. 

"Hello, (Y/n)!"

"Hi Tagora!"

"My 'friends' have gotten permission to bring (Ex/n) into court. You don't even have to be there. I guarantee they won't get out of this!"

"Aw, thanks!"

           The waiter came over and we ordered our food. I ordered (fav food). We made small talk. I talked about (pet name) and he talked about his lusus. After we were finished, he pulled out his credit card and payed. we exited the diner, and he grabbed my hand. He walked me home smiling all the way. Before I went in, he leaned forward a bit.

"Tonight was fun, we should do it again sometime soon."

         I smiled and nodded in agreement. Then I leaned in toward him, pressing my lips to his gently. He froze for a moment, then kissed back. I closed my eyes and leaned in more, Tagora mimicking me. After a while, we needed oxygen and, reluctantly, pulled apart. 

     He smiled, blushing, and waved goodbye.

"See you tomorrow, (Y/n)!"

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