Faygo, Pie, and Sleepovers! Oh my!-Gamzee x Human!reader

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//Requested by Sugarhalo123//

        I was chilling in my room when a text pinged on my phone. I squealed and tumpled headfirst off my bed. It was from my best friend, Dave.

Dave: Hey yo (y/n)

Dave: You there?

Dave: Fuckin answer me (y/n)!

(y/n): Calm the heckle down, potty-mouth! What the cheese-curds do you want?

Dave: Dude one of the trolls is looking for someone to hang with

Dave: Cuz Karkitty's busy

(y/n): With you

Dave: And I told him you'd go

Dave: To his house that is.

Dave And spend the night. Not just spend the night either.

(y/n): For monkey-nipples' sake Dave! if you told him I'd have sex with him I'm gonna wipe my floor with your face!!!!!

Dave: What ew no!

Dave: And really? "monkey-nipples"?

Dave: All jokes aside, though, you're gonna go have a slumber party with him ok?

Dave: And uh I kinda need you to

Dave: His anger is INSANE when he's sober, and if he doesn't have you over...... and figures I lied......

(y/n): Which would be true

Dave: I don't want to end up taxidermy okay?

(y/n): Fine. Address.

       I sighed as Dave sent me the address. There goes my plans tonight. Well, my plans to chill and watch movies. the list was awesooooommeee....

1. Sweeney Todd: Demon Barber of Fleet Street

2. IT (old)

3.IT (new)

4. The Conjuring


6. Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart (for the heck of it)

         But noooooo! I had to go save Dave's butt (again) and spend the night at some stupid troll's house! I groaned. Better pack some clothes... I thought to myself.

~~~~~~Timeskip brought to you by DAVE SCREAMING CUZ KARKAT SPILLED HIS APPLE JUICE!!!~~~~~~~~~~

        I knocked on the door to "Gamzee"'s hive. The door swung open instantly, as if he sat around waiting by the door like a lost puppy. The troll looked like an extremely tall, anorexic, clown. He looked around over my head, confused, before looking down. I'm not the tallest person, and this guy is huge, but seriously. He didn't think to look down?

        After noticing me, the freaky clown-thing grabbed my arm, then let go. "Wait," he began croakily, "before I tug you into my house, are you the (y/n) that Cool Bro sent?" "Ummm... yea?" His face lit up. "Cool come in!" he said as he nearly ripped my arm off yanking me inside.

           Suddenly, I was overwhelmed by a scent that was a mixture of sugary drink and burnt food. "What is that smell?" I asked. "Faygo and soper slime pie. Want some?" Whatever "soper slime" was, I wanted no part of it. But I did like Faygo. "Um, can I have some Faygo...?" I tentatively asked. "Heck yea you can!" the clow- I mean- Gamzee said as he swept off. Presumably, to his kitchen.

        I then noticed how DISGUSTING it was in here. Why were old Faygo bottles everywhere? Old pie tins? A...a pile of.... a pile of bulb horns...? What did the guy think he was?  Did he really live like this?

    I didn't have time to wonder more before Gamzee came back in, and handed me a Faygo. I slowly drank some. My head then began to feel... foggy. I heard, before I was totally under the influence, "Oh crud that was mine."

        I woke laying on the ground, surrounded by horns, pie tins, and Faygo bottles. Gamzee was snoring to my left, sitting in his horn pile. Suddenly, last night"s memories came rushing back.

                  Gamzee had accidentally given me his Faygo, which he had put sopor slime in. Then we had a "Faygo bottle war". After that we had watched all the movies on my watch list, and several episodes of Voltron. Then Gamzee crashed and my high mind decided a bed of trash would be comfortable. Last, I blacked out.

              I also remembered Gamzee saying something about quadrants. But it was time to go, so I left a note bearing my farewells and contact info.


          Its been about six months since I first met Gamzee and, to be honest, with him anything is an adventure. We've gotten together practically every day. I met his brother. Kurloz and I were quick to become close. Closer even than Dave and I. But Dave had Karkat, so all was well.

          Recently, Gamzee had asked me out. Tonight was our date. I wonder what would happen.

~~~Timeskip cuz you know the drill getting ready, m'kay?~~~

         I sat in the corner of a small coffee shop run by the one and only Nepeta. She kept glancing at us and squealing, "OTP!" or "another prrrfect ship has sailed!!!". Gamzee only brushed it off. "Don't let her make ya uncomfortable. I'm not very good at this either." Gamzee and I sat longer, talking and other things before the big question came up.

       (Y/n).... I know this is real sudden, and you'll probably say no, but will you be my Matesprit?" I gasped before, finally, accepting.

     Its been six years since then, and I see a box- like lump in Gamzee's pants pocket.

     And I thought my life would be ordinary.

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