Twenty nine

Mulai dari awal

"Let go," he whispered. Reading me like a book, he reached down and began to circle my clit, making me shoot up and race across the finish line.

"Ohh, Carter!" I shattered against him completely.

He thrusted into me harder before meeting the same fate with an erotic moan. The rush of his seed spilled into the condom, bringing his thrusts down to a slow stop. We lay there wrapped up in each other and the overwhelming sensation of our bodies connecting.

There was no trace of regret, only pure and utter bliss coursing through my heart, body and soul.

> ~ > ~ > End of mature scene > ~ > ~ >

I came home later that evening after a romantic day with Carter. We took a shower together, innocently washing off the night and this morning's events, taking turns to scrub each other's skin. We then enjoyed breakfast in bed and lazed around all day, enveloped in each other's company.

The endorphins pumping in my body were at an all time high, I think we were both drunk off it. I don't know how taking this massive step forward will change our relationship, or if at all, but there was a sense of excitement and trepidation mixed all into one, at the thought of the new development. It was as if we were both about to leap off a diving platform down into a deep, unknown abyss.

"You look like you're glowing." Ell observed keenly, giving me a narrowed stare as I walked through the front door. "Woahhh oh oh, you did the nasty didn't you!!!" She shouted excitedly, putting it all together.

"Yep... multiple times..." I blushed with a small grin as I made my way over to the couch to sit. I was astounded by how many times my body could orgasm, all from his touch. Ellana's eyes widened even more, she looked slightly crazed.

"Go get em girl," she winked, "Reowww!" she purred and made a little cat gesture with her hand, causing us to burst into laughter.

"How was your auditions this week?" I asked her, after we calmed down.

"Good I hope. I won't know until when or if they call me back." She replied thinking about it for a little longer.

"Aw, well they'd be missing out if they didn't book you. Stay strong." I rubbed her on the back comfortingly. From what Ell has told me, the business is hard, you face a lot of rejection and criticism no matter who you are.

"Yeah... You never know though," she gave me a small smile.

"I'm so proud of you Ell. You've been awesome on The Chase. It's amazing that you've landed that role, it's a big accomplishment already." I said sincerely. I didn't tell her enough of how proud and amazed I was by her.

"Aw come here you!" She wrapped her arms around and pulled me into a hug. "You're my bestie for life Val."

"And you're mine!"

"We should just ditch the boys and get married." She joked.

"When should we announce our engagement?" I asked her seriously, playing along with the joke.

"Aw wifey!" She cried dramatically, taking my hand in hers elegantly, and slipping on an imaginary ring.

"Til death do us part." I said solemnly, wiping a fake tear from the corner of my eyes.

We looked each other in the eyes for one second before collapsing into a fit of giggles.

"Let's make dinner?" She asked in all-seriousness.

"Let's make dinner." I nodded.

Ell propped up her phone in the corner and decided to do an Instagram live, so she could interact with her followers and build a larger media presence. Apparently, that's what her agent said would be helpful, especially now that she was getting some recognition from Kean and the tv series.

We put on some music as always and started to jam in the kitchen preparing dinner. Tonight, we were making some vegan mac and cheese as a side, alongside some grilled salmon and vegetables.

I took out a pot and filled it with water to boil for the pasta, before taking out the frozen salmon fillets to thaw. Ell washed up and chopped the green beans, broccoli, carrot and zucchini whilst she talked to the camera, and answered questions whenever she could.

"Oh Valerie, they wanna know if you're in acting too. Come say hey!"

I walked over and waved to the camera, trying to stay like myself, and not be awkward.

"This is my wifeyyy," she giggled, leaning in to read the comments.

"Oh don't you guys worry, Kean's still my sugar daddy," she joked as a bunch of HAHA's and hearts floated on the screen. I chuckled at the response and shook my head.

"And no this smarty pants isn't an actress," she talked to the camera, as I started preparing a light zingy pepper sauce mixture to use as a marinade.

"Yeah I go to college." I smiled to the camera.

"BUT! She is a fabulous stylist, so if you need someone I can hook you up." She wiggled her eyebrows. "Oh yes yes she picked out the orange outfit from the wrap party." Ell continued to talk to the camera as I nodded in agreement.

I walked away to add the brown pasta in the water, and heated up a saucepan to make the mac and cheese sauce.

Ell picked up her camera and positioned it down to the pan as she began to grill the seasoned salmon, before adding in the vegetables.

"As you can see, we're making salmon for dinner. Honestly we should have a cooking show," she commented.

"Yeah," I chuckled, "What would it be called?"

"Hmm... oh yeah that's a good one! Eating with Ellerie." She grinned at her phone screen.


I plated up the finished pasta whilst she scooped the salmon and veges on.

"Voila!" Ell waved her hands and showed off the finished plate.

"Ellerie's killing it," I grinned as I gave her a high five.

"We've gotta eat now so I'll catch you guys later! Thanks for hanging with us!" She blew a kiss, as I waved, before shutting down the live stream.

Whilst I ate dinner that night and chatted to my best friend, I couldn't help but think about how incredibly happy I was in that very moment. Life was truly a blessing, and Carter was the sweet cherry on top.

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