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As the days passed by for me, it was time for the birth of my child. Of course their was no one their to ask for help from, so I did the next best option,  which was making a clone. My baby was born after 16 hours of cursing, crying and screaming, he was the spitting image of his father the only difference was that he had blue eyes instead of black. I was so happy when he was born.

But that happiness didn't last,
When shikaru (my baby) reached 5 months old I was sitting in the front porch in the rocking chair and breastfeeding him, team 8 including kakashi and sakura landed in front of me. They looked at me surprised, because of the baby and my new outfit which I started wearing since I got pregnant. I realized immediately that sakura was going to shout, so I said, 'sakura if you screech and make my child cry I will murder you, in a serious and icy voice. And I asked,  now tell me kakashi what do you want from me?.
He replied, hokage Sama has sent for you, and I sighed and said wait for me. I got up and when into my house and started packing my things and the baby's  things to go spend a week with tsunade.

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