Chapter 47: Unhappiness

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WARNING: This chapter contains some violent and vivid material. Please read at own risk.


I Flashed us away from Deven and when we got where I wanted, I let a struggling Kat down.

She jumped off me and backed as far away as she could. She crossed her arms over her chest and kept her head low. I could almost see her bottom lip quivering.

"There's no need to be afraid of me, Kat." I laughed.

"Sure," she snorted,  "Because I have no reason to be, right? Because you're my hero? Whisking me away and saving me from myself?"

"Well if you want to put it that way..."

"Just tell me what you want me to do, Peter. And then set Tinkerbell free."

I felt something growing in the pit of my stomach and I pointed an angry finger at her, "This is just like you! Putting everybody else before yourself! You don't even care when you're the one who suffers! Bloody hell, stabbed you and yet you're still here. To rescue a friend in need."

She finally met my gaze, "Of course I put others before myself! That's what a good person does. But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you? And yes, I do care about myself. I do care that you almost killed me and that is why I will be staying as far away from you as humanly possible."

"Humanly?" I laughed sarcastically again, "You're not even human! How can you not see that?"

Kat uncrossed her arms, "I'm more human than you'll ever be."

I rubbed my hands together and took a step closer, "Hmm, I've truly missed that fire you possess. It's unlike anything I've ever seen."

When I got closer to her, I was pushed back by her wall. I couldn't get any further.

"Don't you remember what happened last time you pulled this little trick? Unless you put the wall down and help me I'll-"

"I never said I wouldn't help you!" She interrupted, "I just don't need to let you any closer to me. We can work together from a distance. And those are my terms."

Her eyes were glowing again and I could see the disgust in them. Her palms were facing the ground, obviously waiting for me to make a move. I looked back at her harshly, "You're in no position to be demanding terms, love."

"I'm in exactly the right position to do it," She spit, "There's no way you'd be able to do any of the things you plan on doing without me. You need me. I could walk away right now and foil all your little, evil plans and there is nothing you can do to stop me. You can't kill me! Because otherwise all of this would be a waste. All that time you put into giving me powers and bringing me here, would be for nothing. And sure, you may have Tink captive, but as of right now she is the only thing stopping me from destroying you and every other bloody person on this island. So go ahead and kill her, but it will be your funeral."

I was taken aback. The Kat I knew definitely did not have that in her. The Kat I knew was untrained and unknowing, but this Kat was beautifully skilled and full of moxie. This wasn't Kat.

This was Katherine.

And I liked her a thousand times better.

I gave her and impressed look held up my hands, "Fine. Keep your wall up. As long as you do what I say, I doesn't matter anyway."

I moved away and broke a branch down from a tree. I held it out in my hands to Kat, "A peace offering."

"A branch?" She questioned, "That's not very convincing."

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