Chapter 31: The Water

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Hello my dears! I just wanted to say thankyou very much for all the sweet comments on my previous update! And yes, i will be continuing the story :)

If for nothing but my enjoyment!

Btw sorry for the typo on instrgram, this is indeed Chapter 31, not 32



I frustratingly sighed and slammed my drink back on the table.

Korri jumped.

"But how am I supposed to know what that is? Don't get me wrong, coming back from...there... I knew some things would be different. But you're telling me that now I have a bigger job then just helping her? She's my sister! She's the only person i'm interested in helping!"

Korri stood up at sat down next to me, "I understand, James. You love her. I can see it in your eyes," she soothingly rubbed her thumb against my temple, "but I'm not saying this job is going to be easy for you. For anyone actually. I'm also not saying this job won't help your sister. You see, it is what you must do for your sister that will save Neverland. And save her."

Her melodic voice passed through my mind like velvet. My eyes greedily ate up the beautiful look on her face as we sat inches apart.

I turned towards her and put my hand over hers, "How do you know? How could you possibly know?"

She smiled a flirty smile and tapped my nose with her finger, "Because I do. You'll just have to trust me. There are things in this world that are bigger than even you, James."

I wryly smiled and turned back towards the fire, extending my hands for warmth. For an island cloaked in sun during the day, this place got pretty chilly at night.

My thoughts slipped to Kat.

What was she doing right now?

Was she safe?

Was she in danger?

More importantly, was she still cozzied up to him?

"Your mind is fogged. I can see the struggle on your face."

"Is it that obvious?" I laughed, "I barely know you and here you go claiming to know me."

"I don't need to know you to notice how distraught you've looked since you got here. But, I think I have something that can help with that."

"Hm?" I asked.

She collected my empty cup from the table and fluttered over to that odd river running through the center of the tree or... her house.

She bent down on the other side, so she was facing me, and dipped her fingers in the water.

"Do you know what this is?" She asked.

"A river?" I responded

She laughed, "Or sorts, yes. This river is magic-"

I scoffed, cutting her off, "Isn't everything in this bloody place?"

"Let me finish. This river is magic, but not just any kind of magic. This magic is meant only to be used on mortal men or women, like you. It can do almost anything. It can heal, it can work as a 'decision maker', and it can even reveal your secrets."

I laughed again, this time louder,

"What secrets? I'm an open book!"

"Well at a time like this, drinking the water would help clear your mind."

PandemoniumTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon