Info About you(Revamped)

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Name: Fake Name (Y/N), Midoriya

Real name: (Y/N), Todoroki

Backstory: You are the twin brother of Shoto Todoroki and just like him your father trained you to near-death but unlike Shoto, you didn't have a quirk so your training was a bit more "Intense". Since your father believed that you were hiding a quirk from him. No matter how hard you tried, you had neither your mother nor fathers' powers. Which gave you a bit of relief, since you could no longer carry your fathers' dream about surpassing all might. It didn't stop your father Enji Todoroki, no matter what you said "You have the blood of a Todoroki in your veins, so I know you are not quirk less. You and your bother will surpass all might, one day you will see I am helping you." He trained you until you puked and no matter what any doctor said he would not stop. Until one day you had enough...

Attitude: Unless you are using your quirk you tend to be emotionless apart from 1 of 2 things. You normally don't care what people think of you so you do whatever seems most natural and despite being quite smart you are very dense sometimes. 

Motivation: Your character's motivation is to have a purpose in life right now he barely has any feeling towards anything. He just wants to have a goal to work towards and to achieve that goal. 

Normal clothes: It caught your eye one day and it's all you really have worn since then.

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Quirk (When Discovered): Bone Transmutation and Manipulation: Potential: 9/10 Strength: 3/10 Utility: 6/10 Durability: 5/10 Agility: 4/10(These Stats may change later on)

Your quirk is the ability to transmute skin and muscle into bone, as well as the sub ability to morph it into different forms and maybe ever regrow bone with practice. The two main drawbacks to the ability are, 1 you begin to lose control of your emotions the longer it's used making you go into more of an insane/crazed state. 2 After using this your muscles and bones feel sore and heavy like when you wake up the next day after an intense workout the longer you used it, the worse it is.

The weakness of your quirk is you can only keep up your form as long as you have the will to do so if you get into a situation where you feel like you have no chance of winning, you'll lose the will to fight and lose your power in turn. Also, the more you lose track of your emotions, the more you lose a sense of the will to fight among other things.

Formation 1 – Claws: Change your hands into bones and sharpen the fingers to make it into a claw-like form.

Formation 2 – Full guard: You change left and right, arms and legs to bone transmuting the skin and muscle into bone, as well as strengthening it. 

Formation 3 - ?

Formation 4 - ?

Formation 5 - ?

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