She has a firm, confident handshake. Lance doubts shes ever had a hardship in her life. He questions how Keith and Katie are friends. They have nothing in common.

"Thank you for taking the time to do this," Katie says.
"It's a pleasure," Lance replies, while sneaks a quick glance at Keith, and is rewarded with a flushed face.
Is it me who makes him blush. The thought pleases Lance.

"Um, this is James Griffin, our photographer." Keith sates his voice slightly strained as he introduces him.
Shit. Are they together?
Griffin grins under Keith's voice.

"Mr.Mclain," Griffin says giving Lance and odd look as they shake hands. It almost seems like a warning to back off.
Game on, kid.
"I guess we should get started. Where would you like me Mr Griffin?" Lance says with a challenging voice. James hears it, but Katie takes charge directing Lance to a chair.

Lance  searches our for the lovely Keith. He's standing at the back of the room watching. Maybe thats why he and Katie are friends. Hes used  to being in the back ground, and letting Katie take charge.
Hmmm...A natrual submissive.

Lance sits on the chair waiting for his picture. He regards Keith as he watches Lance and James setting up. Their eyes meet. Keith's are honest and innocent, and for a moment Lance reconsiders his plan. Keith bites his lip, which makes Lance take in a sharp breath.

They keep eye contact before Keith pulls away first.

Miss Holt asks Lance to stand as Griffin proceeds to take pictures. It's over and Lance seizes the moment.
"Thank you again, Mr.Mclain." Katie says shaking Lance's hand, and then followed by the photographer, who regards Lance with disapproval.

"I look forward to reading the article Miss Holt."
Lance gives a short nod and walks towards the direction of Mr Kogane.
"Will you walk with me, Keith."
"Oh, um, sure." Keith says with surprise.
Seize the day Mclain.

Lance mutters thank yous to the people are around him, as Keith and Lance exit the building.
"Hey-um, wanna go for coffee?"
"I have to drive everybody home," Keith says with a little blush.
Lance calls out his driver, and asks him to take all of Keith's friends home.
"There. Now can you join me?"
"Um-Mr Mclain er-really," he looks down with a sigh, "ok."

Lance mentally sighs.
I almost lost the deal here
"Just let me grab some things that I left."
Lance nods watching Keith step back inside the building. Lance feels like an idiot standing there  by himself.
How long is Keith going to be? Lance checks his watch. His dark thoughts coming to mind. Maybe he's kissing Griffin goodbye.
Lance snaps out of his thoughts as he sees Keith coming out of the building.
Lance feels pleased, he dosent look like hes been kissed.
"Ok," Keith says with a deep breath, "lets do coffee." The pinkness on Keith's cheek give away his confidence.
"After you Keith,"Lance says.

Lance runs up to Keith and Katie pops in his mind. He asks Keith how long the two have known each other.
"Pretty much since freshman year. Shes a good friend." Keiths voice is full of warmth. He is clearly devoted. He took her place to interview Lance. Lance hopes Miss Holt treats Keith with the same respect.

Lance pushes the elevator button and the doors  immediately  open. A couple who was in tight hug spring apart with embarrassed faces they step out. Ignoring them Lance and keith step in the elevator, but Lance catches Keith's small smile.

The ride to the first floor was fillied with unfulfilled desires. But Lance can't tell if it's form the couple that left or just him.

Lance shuffles his feet nervously and is relieved when the doors open. He takes Keith's hand wich is cool and not clammy as expected.
Perhaps i dont affect him as much I'd like.
The thought is disheartening.

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