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It had been 5 hours and still no call from Keith. What the hell was Lance thinking. He looks out the window from the suite he's staying at. Lance had gone out  for his jog but it did nothing to calm him. Lance was annoyed at Keith for not calling but mostly angry at himself for being an idiot. What a waste of time for chasing this man. When has Lance ever chased someone.
Get a grip Mclain.

Lance sighs checking his phone again hoping he just missed a call, but nothing. Now that Lance has all his stuff he can work on that report for Matt in peace. Peace? Lance hasnt had  peace since Keith fell into his office.
Its almost dusk when Lance looks up from his laptop screen. The prospect of a night alone again is depressing. Lance sits in thought when he hears his phone vibrate against the polishes wood table. Lance's heart skips a beat.
Is it him. Lance picks up the phone.
"Um..Mr.Mclain...its me. Keith."Lance's face curls up in a Shit eating grin. Well, well.

"Keith. How nice to hear from you,"
Lance can hear Keith's breath hitch. That sound travles  straight to his groin.
 Great. Im affecting him like he's affecting me.

"Um, we will like to go ahead with the photo shoot. Tomorrow if thats ok.
Where would be convinet. for you sir?"
In my room. Just you and me.
"Well, Im free tomorrow . So how about nine thirty."
"Great. We'll see you there."
Lance can hear the gush in Keith's voice.
"I look forward to seeing you there Mr.Kogane."
Lance hangs up before Keith can hear how pleased he sounds.

He leans back on his chair, looking at the night sky. Lance runs both his hand trough his hair

How the hell is he going to close this deal.
With Beyonce blasting in Lance's ears he runs down the street. Its 6:30 in the morning and Lance has been trying to clear his head. Last night had been horrible. He had dreamt of him. Violet eyes, breathy voice...his sentences ending with 'sir' as he knelt before Lance. Since he met  Keith, his dreams had been a welcome change from the occasional nightmares. Lance wonder what Hunk would think about that. The thought is disconcerting, so Lance runs pushing himself to the limit.

As Lance's feet hit the 
pavement, he sees a ray of sun break through the grey sky. It gives him hope.
Two hours later as Lance jogs back he passes a coffee shop. Maybe Lance should take Keith for coffe.
Like a date?
Well. No. Not a date. Lance laughs at his ridiculous thought. Just a chat-an interview of sorts. Then Lance can find out more about that enigmatic man, and see if he's interested, or Lance is just on a wild goose chase. Lance is alone in the elevator as he finishes his stretches in his hotel suite. Lance feels centered and calm for the first time. Breakfast arrives and Lance is starving which isn't a feeling Lance tolerates ever. He sits down deciding to shower after.

Theres a brisk knock on the door. Lance opens to find his driver on the threshold.
"Good Morning, Mr.Mclain."
"Morning. They ready for me?
"Yes, sir. They're set up in room 601."
"I'll  be right down."
Lance finishes getting ready, his hair still wet from the shower but he could care less. He looks in the mirror and heads down to the elevator.

Room 601 is crowed with people, lights, and camera boxes, but Lance spots him immediately. He's  standing to side. His hair is down barley touching his shoulders. Hes wearing tight jeans, with a white shirt covered with a red fleece. Are tight jeans his signature look? While not very convenient, it shows the shape of his legs. His eyes that are disarming as ever, widen as Lance approaches.
"Mr. Kogane we meet again."
Keith takes Lance's extended hand and for a moment he wants to bring his hand to his lips and kiss it.
Dont be absurd, Mclain.

Keith turns his head away with a tint of pink on his cheeks, and waves over one of his friends.

" Mr. Mclain this  is Miss. Katie Holt."
Lance sighs and turns to the persistent Katie Holt. She's rather short reaching up to Keith's shoulder. Her hair is tied up in a ponytail and is striking in appearance, like her father but she has her mothers soft face features. Lance mentally thanks her for introducing the delightful Keith.
"The tenacious Miss Holt. How do you do?"
"I'm fine, thank you, Mr.Mclain."

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