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Firestar: *standing on Highledge* Hewo! Welcome everyone to WARRIORS CATS RANDOM SPOOFS! I really-

Hollyleaf: SHARPIES! *scribbles with a black sharpie on Firestar's face*

Jayfeather: Hollyleaf, stop that!

Firestar: Thank you, Jayfeather!

Jayfeather: ...let me join in!

Firestar: oh, StarClan.

Jayfeather: *takes red sharpie and draws rosie cheeks and big red lips on Firestar's face*

Hollyleaf: *draws a handlebar mustache and bushy eyebrows on Firestar's face*

Jayfeather and Hollyleaf: *stop drawing and reveal Firestar's face* tadaaaaa!

ThunderClan: O.o *gasps*

Sandstorm: :O oh, Firestar!

Squirrelflight: *tries not to laugh* I think he looks beautiful!

Dustpelt: hm, he looks better than he did before.

Firestar: This isn't permanent is it?

Jayfeather: ....

Hollyleaf: Nooo...*sarcasm*

Firestar: >:(

Squirrelflight: Poor Firestar! Anyway, enjoy all of these spoofs! Byeeeeee! :3

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