Buffy wasn't at the stairs, Jonah wasn't hanging front he ceiling and Andi wasn't in my room. Was I just hallucinating?

I shook my head and went back into the bathroom to continue getting ready. I don't know what just happened but that's never happened to me before and it was scary.

I looked at the time seeing I was late.

"OH NO!" I said worried.
TJ's P.O.V
I know that it's a little late but I might just go home if Cyrus is just gonna blow me off. Well I shouldn't jump to conclusions. Maybe he has some problems going on at the moment.

Cyrus you coming?
Yeah I'm just running a little late! I'll be there shortly
Alright. 😋

I knew he was coming. Cyrus wouldn't blow me off like that. He'd at least tell me if something happened.

"I'm here! I'm here!" Cyrus exclaimed running up to the swings.
"Glad you showed up." I replied standing up.

I walked over to him and kissed him. I pulled apart and smiled.

"So what do you have planned?" He asked smiling back.
"I don't... Just wanted to see you." I answered.
"Hmm.... It sounds like you miss me." Cyrus said blushing.
"I did." I replied. "Let's go under the pavilion looks like it's about to start raining."

Cyrus nodded. I took his hand in mine bringing him with me. We sat down at the table that was right under it. He rested his head on my shoulder.

"I wish this could last forever." Cyrus said randomly.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Well we're gonna die at some point." Cyrus answered.
"That got dark but is something going on?" I asked.
"Well..." He trailed off.
"Cyrus." I said.

"I've been hallucinating horrible things." He told me.
"What kind of things?" I asked confused.

"Death.... Everyone died in the worst way possible." Cyrus started. "Jonah was hung from my ceiling, Andi had a knife in her chest, Buffy had her wrists slit open and you... You were bleeding to death on my drive way."

My eyes widened in shock. I didn't know what to say.

"I don't know what it means and I'm scared." Cyrus said.
"Well, those are just your fears turning into something. Don't look too much into it. I'm here for you right now and nothing will change that." I told him.

I hugged Cyrus. He hugged back and we heard the rain start to fall. Things started getting louder.

"TJ it's hailing." Cyrus said scared.
"It's fine we're under something we won't get hurt." I told him.

Just after I said that the tornado sirens went off. I shot up.

"A tornado? Here?" I asked.
"We haven't had one here in 19 years!" Cyrus answered worried.
"We have to get out of here! Run to the nearest house." I suggested.

We ran up to a random persons house and rang their doorbell. The person opened the door.

"What are you kids doing out there?" She asked. "Come on in and get in the basement."

We ran into the ladies basement and called out parents to let them know we were safe.

"Cyrus text the group chat to see if anyone else is still outside I'll scope the area upstairs for any pets." I said.
"Ok. Stay safe." Cyrus replied.

I got a thousand text messages already. I ran up stairs and searched the entire house to see if there were any animals or pets still up here.

"None insight." I said to myself.

I ran back downstairs and checked my phone.

Is everyone ok? Are you in your basements?
Yeah... But I'm literally crying
Cyrus is TJ with you? Also yeah I'm in my basement.
I'm with Cyrus. We're at a random persons house near the park.
Is everything ok Jonah?

There wasn't a reply. We felt the hinges start to shake. The tornado was right above us. I covered Cyrus' head. The hinges stopped and we saw sun shine. I got up and took Cyrus with me.

"Thank you ma'am. But we have to go." I said politely.
"If this ever happens again and you're at the park just head over here." She said.

We both nodded and ran upstairs. We saw everything destroyed. My eyes widened.

"Jonah." I said softly.
"Oh no." Cyrus replied.

We both ran to Jonah's house as fast as we could. Andi and Buffy were already there tearing up. I stopped as Cyrus kept running.

I saw him disappear in the smoke. I looked at Andi and Buffy. Their eyes were red and wet. I didn't know what to say. Everything was dead.

Cyrus came back out in tears.

"He's not in there..." Cyrus sobbed.
"Did you guys try texting or calling him?" I asked Andi and Buffy. They nodded.
"He's not gone..." Cyrus said holding back his tears.

I pulled out my phone and tried calling him.

"Hey it's Jonah, if you're hearing this then I'm either busy or I've lost my phone. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you." His voice said.

I dropped my phone and started to cry.

"Is everyone ok?" Jonah asked.

We all turned around and sighed in relief.

"We all thought you died!" Andi said.
"Why would I be dead?" He asked.
"I don't know maybe because of the Tornado?!" Cyrus answered.
"Well I'm alive and standing here now." Jonah replied.

We all hugged as Buffy's phone went off. We pulled apart as she checked it. Buffy covered her mouth and started crying again.

"Buffy what is it?" I asked.
"I just got a text from Marty's mother saying he wasn't to be seen after the tornado hit." She cried.
"Oh no... Buffy..." Cyrus said hugging her.

I didn't know what to say so I joined in. Everyone else did to. I couldn't believe someone Buffy loved died... That hurts...

Hey everyone. The reasoning behind the sad ending is I just finished watching Aphmau's ep 9 of MYST S6 and it hurt me. Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter! Bye!!

Unexpected. (A CJ FanFiction) {Completed}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora