"I'm cooking bacon, grits, eggs, sausage, and pancakes." I nodded
and kissed her cheek.

"You know I start back school tomorrow." She looked at me.

"Well talk about that later." I nodded and went to go sit with the kids in the living room.

"After grocery shopping y'all want to go visit grandpa." They all nodded. Somebody knocked on the door I got up and went to the kitchen and quickly stole a piece of bacon and ran to the door and opened it.

There was nobody there I looked down and there was a piece of paper. I opened it.

Hello dear Zion,

I just wanted to ask do you miss me.

I looked at the note confused. I went back inside and walked up the stairs. I got my phone and called Zay.


"Nun I just need you to come over later you and trey also my dad i have something to show yall."

"Ok I'll tell them." I hung up and went back downstairs. "What's wrong baby." She asked once I came downstairs.

"Yea I'm fine I just had to talk to say about something." She nodded and finished cooking.

"I'm almost done I just have to finish the pancakes and then everyone can eat." I smiled. I went and sat back down.


"Come eat everybody." We all hoped up and went to the dining room to eat.

"Thanks babe." I kissed her cheek. "Thanks mommy." All the kids said, and we began to eat.

After breakfast I called Zay to tell to tell everybody to come over.  Once they can we went into my office. "What's wrong." My dad asked.

"Somebody left this note at my door." I handed my dad the note. He looked at it and turned it around.

"Alright I'll have one of the lab guys look for fingerprints." I nodded. He left and it was just me, Zay, and trey.

"Do you think you know who it is." Zay asked. I shook my head no and sighed. "I'll be alright I got this I just gotta keep my family safe."

That was my mind set right now, to keep my family safe and away from danger even if that means losing my girl and kids.

My phone started ringing. I looked at the caller id and it was my dad.

"Wassup." I answered the phone.

"Get to the hospital now and hurry up." He hung up I knew something was wrong. I hoped up.

"Come I think somethings wrong with insane." We all went downstairs, and I told them to just go ill meet them there.

"Babe I have to go something is wrong with insane." She nodded and i rushed out the door. I got in my car and drove off going over the speed limit i really didn't give a fuck.

I finally made it to the hospital, I parked my car and went to his room when I got there everybody was standing outside the door. I stopped and looked at my dad.

"What happened." I asked walking up to them slowly. "I was in there sitting down and he began to have a seizure. They doctors came and started working on him.

We sat outside of the door and a doctor finally came. "Is he ok." I stood up and looked at the doctors.

"Umm no he did not make it due to internal bleeding. He lost to much blood before we could find where the blood was coming from. I'm sorry for your lost." I nodded and i felt a tear come down.

I didn't say nothing to nobody I just walked away and went to my car. I drove home. "Is insane alright." I didn't say nothing to her either I brushed past her and went to our room slamming the door in the process.

I sat on the other side of the bed, so my back was facing the door. I silently cried as i looked at a off-guard took of insane. I heard the door open and then close.

"Babe." I heard Ashley whisper. I didn't turn around or nothing. I saw her out the corner of my eye walking up to me. She stood in front of me.

"Is insane ok." I looked up at her with tears coming down my face and shook my head. "They took him he's gone, and I didn't even get to say goodbye." I wrapped my arms around her waist while I put my face in her stomach.

"It's alright baby. Stop crying you know insane wouldn't want you crying and I'm pretty sure even if you didn't visit, he knows how much he meant to you." I nodded and she wiped my face with her hands.

"Where are the kids." I asked still trying to calm down. "In the playroom." I nodded. She pushed me on the bed and climbed on top of be straddling my lap. She started kissing my neck and I was enjoying it to.

There was a knock on the door and i silently groaned. "Who is it." Ashley said still kissing and sucking on my neck.

"Mommy where's daddy." I tried not to moan but she was making it hard for me. "I'm right here." I managed to say.

She pulled down my pants and my boxers. "Can I come." I sighed and had a temper tantrum in my head. I pulled my boxers and pants back up and laid in the bed.

"Come in." The door opened and sky came in and climbed on the bed. "What's wrong." I put her on my lap, and she laid on my chest.

"I sweepy." I nodded. "Then go to sleep little girl." I kissed her cheek and forehead before laying both of us down.

"We going grocery shopping after her nap." I nodded and ended up going to sleep.

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