He nodded, his expression deep in thought. Then his arms moved around her and pulled her in for a hug. "What did I do to deserve you?" he breathed against her neck, placing a gentle kiss on her mark.

"It's not about what we've done to deserve something, it's about what we will do with the blessings each one of us receives. I know that now with you in my life, I am a better version of myself, and can serve and lead my pack so much more faithfully and genuinely."

Kaiden chuckled at her fancy words but quickly sobered. "I'm afraid I don't have such a pure heart as you, my dearest. You have too much faith in me. What if I let you down again?" his conflicted eyes held hers before looking away, landing on the picture frame once more. With a sigh, he laid it face down.

"So don't let me down," she responded quickly, placing both hands on his shoulders.

"I couldn't even stop Elah..." a growl rumbled from his chest and he tightened his fists.

"He made his own choices, Kaiden. You can't blame yourself for what happened."

"Then I'll blame Elbert," he turned from her and sat heavily in his chair.

"That will only hurt you more as the bitterness grows," she stated flatly, finding it hard to believe even her own words. Truth be told, she harboured much anger towards the man who had destroyed her family's live all those years ago, and ruined his wife's and sons' too.

"Stuff it all, Chesca!" Kaiden suddenly stood again and raked both hands through his hair. Pacing the office floor, agitation rolled off his shoulders, making her heart clench and ache for him. She hated seeing her strong Alpha like this. "I can't even look at a picture of my brother without... ..without hating him or my dad or...  I loved Elah, but it hurts so much..."

"I know, I know," Chesca bit her lip and sighed. "I feel the same about Cora. I was so mad with her for leaving, for throwing everything away, but the love I still had...still have..for her only makes it that much more painful," she steadied her breath but her heart was thudding unevenly. The ache now spread to her arms and down to her icy fingers.

"How do you do it?" Kaiden spun to face her, his eyes begging for some relief, some comfort. "How do you remain so calm and graceful when it's tearing you up inside?"

"I..." she took his hands and stepped closer, buying herself some time to formulate the years of anguish in her heart into some words that made sense. "I forget about her. I push all my thoughts about her to the back of my mind. I place all my feelings in a box, lock it with a key and move on. It's the only way to survive." It was probably a really stupid way to survive, but she hadn't made it this far without a method to her madness. Maybe one day she'd need to confront her feelings head on and deal with the pain, but that day was not now. Not when so many other things needed processing first.

Kaiden slowly nodded, his breathing returning to normal. "So you're alright with how she's being dealt with now? Since her involvement with Elbert's schemes..."

"I trust Alpha Asa. He's the wisest Alpha and I don't need to know what forms of discipline he chooses for her."

Cora had been captured and transferred to Asa's pack after the battle. Rumours had gone around, saying her own mate that she'd rejected years ago was the one to restrain her from getting away. Whether or not he had any say in her fate, was unclear. But Chesca honestly didn't care. If Cora had reformed and wanted to be a part of a wolf pack once again, realigning with her heritage, good for her. If she languished in Asa's dungeons for years to come, so be it. It was out of Chesca's hands, and Chesca could once more focus on her own responsibilities. Namely, her pack and her mate. Her Alpha mate...

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