As they stepped down and mingled with the wolves, a few guards and warriors came to give them a rundown of the recovery efforts. Kaiden pressed a kiss to the top of Chesca's head and watched warily when a familiar face appeared before them.

"Miranda," Chesca nodded curtly, going tense at the other woman's presence, but feeling equally calmed by the warmth of Kaiden her mate at her back.

"Alphas Kaiden and Chesca, it's good to see you are both well," Miranda offered a small and genuine smile, nothing like the sly ones that had alway hidden unclear motives behind them.

"Miranda has been overseeing the welfare of the widows and orphans," Beta Benny informed them, and Chesca relaxed even more. Surprised at the altruistic nature of the job, she studied the other woman more closely, trying to see beyond the strained past relations that had existed between them. Miranda was looking thinner, her eyes pained yet gentle. The way she carried herself was with humility and subservience, nothing like the shrewd and cunning vixen she had once been. She wore her hair in a messy ponytail, and had on wrinkled shirt and jeans as if she'd barely had time to change or care about her appearance while attending to those around her. Miranda had obviously been affected by the recent tragedies in ways Chesca would never know.

Miranda's eyes followed Kaiden silently as he moved away to speak to other pack members, then she turned once more to Chesca, a troubled look in her eyes.

"I know you probably hate me, and I'm sorry for acting like a slutty flirt around your mate. When I found out he had finally found you, his mate, I... I was hurt, but I should not have treated you the way I did," Miranda hung her head in remorse, showing her neck in submission.

"It is okay," Chesca stared at the other woman and pondered over her apology. "I know it must have been hard, if you once had cared for him..."

"I did. He was my first crush. Everyone thinks I am a serial dater, but with Kaiden it was different..." Miranda sniffed, and Chesca wondered if she really wanted to hear this. Her wolf growled lowly with jealousy at the tender way Miranda spoke of her mate, but Chesca kept herself under control with a sweet smile on her face.

"I'm sure one day you will find someone you can truly love and who will love you in return," she patted Miranda's arm.

Miranda smiled brightly, releasing a heavy breath as if a weight had just slipped from her shoulders. Then to Chesca's surprise, she reached out both arms and pulled Chesca in for a tight hug after a moment's hesitation. "Thank you, Alpha Chesca. I knew you would understand. I really didn't want there to be anything awkward between us, seeing as we will probably be working together now," Miranda rambled and wiped her eyes. They glistened in the noonday sun from genuine tears, and Chesca appreciated her honesty and could clearly see the change that had overcome this shewolf.

"What are you going to do next, Sis? Get on your knees and kiss her feet? Don't be such a patsy."

The interruption made Miranda frown and roll her eyes. "Oh, be quiet, Jakki."

A girl stepped up beside Miranda and linked her arm through hers, curiously staring at Chesca.

Chesca stared right back, instinctively asserting her authority over the unfamiliar wolf.

"This is my sister Jakara," Miranda introduced her flatly and patted the girl's arm. They resembled each other closely, but not in style. Jakara's long black hair was curled into perfect waves that rested over her chest, while she wore a tight-fitting floral dress and 6 inch heels. Her face could be considered beautiful like Miranda's, but it was hard to tell beneath so much makeup, even if it was expertly done to make her look runway ready. Chesca was unsure what occasion the girl was dressed up for, or if she was just always obsessed with her looks and appearance like this. It saddened her, especially the expression of superiority coming from the young woman. Chesca could almost feel the attitude. She barely even acknowledged Chesca, ignoring her extended hand and polite greeting, but instead glanced about the yard with a bored air of apathy, her eyes roving as if searching for someone or something.

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