Finale Choice

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'Will I...Live...and have a happy life...with Shu,nor Reiji, nor the triplets, nor Subaru....' I thought as the brothers looked worried, Someone then laid on my lap and it was Shu, Shu my love....

Hana: A-Ano...
Reiji: Hmm? What is it Hana
Hana: K-Karlheinz said that, I-I should..never mind...
Ayato: Come on! Say it its alright!
Laito: He's right for once, tell us.
Hana: W-well...I need a-Adam tomorrow...and if I don't...He'll pick..
All: *Eyes Widen* WHAT!?
Shu: I-I...
Hana: *looks at shu and kisses his forehead, whispers* Don't worry...I'll pick you..
Shu: *Blushes* R-Really?
Hana: *Nods*
Laito: Aw no fair! Hana-Chan is mine!
Triplets: *Fought each other*
Subaru: Tch...Mendukse
Reiji: Amateurs...
Shu: *Sits up* Hana...
Hana: What is Mph!
Shu: *Kisses Hana more deeply*
Subaru: *Smacks Shu*
Shu: Tch!! Hoi!
Hana: *Rubs her head* Owww..
Shu: Look what you did to her!
Hana: It's bleeding *wipes the blood*
Subaru: IM SORRY! *panics*
Reiji: Amateurs
All except Hana: SHUT UP REIJI
Reiji: ...

I giggled as I saw everybody blush, Someone tapped me and it was Laito "Please pick me!" With a cute voice that made me want to hug him forever "Hana...No..." Shu then said with a deadly tone "Sorry la-laito.." I said as he pouted "No fair Shu!" ,I sighed and walked out of the living room and went to my room to sleep. After a few hours, someone was poking me all over that made me want to burst, I slowly open my eyes to reveal "KYAH, AYATO!!?!, THE HELL!!" I screamed as I fell to the ground, He looked confused but then laughed "HAHA YOU SHOULN'T HAVE SEE THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE!!" He laughed as I fake cry "WAHHHH!!! SHU-KUN!!! AYATO HURT ME!!" I Screamed as ayato tried to shut me up "Shhh!! Quiet or he's gonna kill me!" As the door slammed wide "Ayato...." Shu said deadly as Ayato prayed for his life ,Shu dragged his foot and threw him to the end of the hallway, He looked at me and I hugged him "Arigato~" I said with a cutesy wootsy voice, He blushed and he then pulled me making him go on top of me, "S-Shu?!" "Your troublesome" he said as he took my shirt off, I blushed hardly and I then saw him smirk "Big ones huh?" "S-Shut up.." I said as he bit into my collarbone. After things happened he left me sleeping peacefully on my bed and left.

Sorry guys...Well my school is um...strict now....and so is my mother...she um....took my phone yesterday...thats why I can't do my wattpad T^T hope you guys enjoy this short story.

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