Chapter 1: Popular

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Hana's POV

I woke up and went to the bathroom to clean myself up for school, I then quickly ate breakfast and went to my Limo that was waiting for me already. As I went to school ,I stepped outside my Limo and saw the girls and boys shouting "IDOL!!" And some said "PLEASE NOTICE ME IDOL" , I sighed and then I suddenly bumped into a boy and as I stepped back I quickly bowed and said sorry, He accepted it and I then realised it was the Sakamaki Brothers, I saw a boy with Red hair and green eyes, then A boy with a Brownish shade of red and with a fedora on his head and had green eyes too, next was a boy holding a teddy bear ,he had purple hair and lavender eyes, next was the guy that I bumped into, he had Dark violet hair and he had Reddish eyes and he had glasses, next was a guy...that had blonde hair...and his eyes are sealed so I can't see his eye colour, and then lastly a guy with white hair and then he had pinkish or reddish eyes like the other. I then saw my friend yui got out of the Sakamaki's Limo, I hugged her and said "Thank goodness your okay yui!" She smiled and then I pulled away looking at the brothers and bowed "I'm very sorry for earlier that I bumped into you, I must go now, Bye Yui!" I ran and felt the brothers smirking behind me as I left.

Some times later

I went to my class early and sat on the front, I then noticed that one of the Sakamaki brothers were there earlier than me.....Shuu Sakamaki?, I then plugged my earphones and went to the piano ,touching it's keys and I then pulled my arm away from the piano and my smile had faded away. I noticed him frown as I went back to my seat frowning still.

"Mommy look!, A flower!" I smiled and she started carrying me and said "Not like you though! Your the prettiest princess of all!" Mommy said to me and I giggled "Mommy is pretty too!" I said and we giggled together. After some times, Mommy played the piano for me and hummed a lullaby, I fell asleep and after a few hours, Mommy was killed by daddy and I then back upped and then daddy saw me as I locked my room instantly and sobbed "M-mommy....H-help me....please..." and I then went to my bed and sobbed more.

End of Flashback

I snapped out of my thoughts and saw my teacher worried at me , "Anything wrong Ms.Hana? You were crying at the same time saying your mothers name" She said as I quickly wiped my tears off my cheek, I excused myself and went to the rooftop were I saw yui on the ground "Yui!" I ran to her and she was really pale....'Wait....Bite marks....?' I thought and realised that vampires like me bit her. I carried yui on my back and she then said "Please...Help...Me...Ha...Na" I was shocked and carried her to the nurses office were I made her rest and I left her immediately. I went back to class and went back to my seat, After class, I went to the music room and saw no one, I then played the piano that my mother used to sing.

I then finished and saw my mother smiling, I cried more and said "Mother...Why did you leave me....Your the queen....But...You had to abandon me....." I then felt someone comfort me and it was Shuu, I stood up and wiped my tears, but I felt like I wanted to die...I'm immortal though...I can't die....I feel like I wanted to disappear. I sat down on a chair and saw shuu worried, I faked a smile and said "No need to worry about me Shuu-Kun...I'm fine" But he noticed that I was wearing a fake mask ,just to cover up my frown. I left the room and saw Yui ran up to me, "I was worried for you!" She said as my eyes then felt blurry and I fainted completely.

End of POV

Yui's POV

I walked around after someone took me to the nurses office, I then saw Hana and ran up to her, "I was worried for you!" I said to her as she smiled and then suddenly fainted. I panicked and checked for any bite marks, I saw this necklace that looks like a devil sign.

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