The Only Hope For Me is You

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Gerard's pov~

"But you're just to me"

   That voice, he could recognize it anywhere- Frank Ieros voice himself. The Frank Iero that he and a crush on, the Frank Iero that is a homophobe, the Frank Iero who just called him beautiful. I sniffed and wiped some of my tears off my face

   "What are you *sniff* doing here" I said to him about to cry again

   He heard footsteps getting closer, them from under the stall he saw a pair of black torn up converse shoes

   "Gerard open up I really need to talk to you" he heard that voice agian- the voice of the one he was slowly falling for

   After thinking for a minute he decided to open up the stall. He had to look down slightly to look at Frank, but he loved him anyway

   "Look I know I have been kind of a bitch to you- and I- ugh- look I like you Gerard" he blurted it after some struggled

   I couldn't believe it, Frank Iero liked me; the one who was a known homophobe. I thought for a moment then decided to respond

   "But... why, you are a known homophobe in this school and have teased me about this kind of stuff" I responded being cautious with my words

   "That's what I thought too, but I then started to realize I like you..... but I also like girls, so I have come to the conclusion that I'm Bisexual" he told me looking me on the eye looking confident

   But something flashed in his eye, it looked like he was scared of mabey..... rejection. I just nodded not knowing if he was serious or not. He then did something that shocked me

   "You know what, fuck it" he said and grabbed my face

   Then I felt the collision of his kiss. Frank had very soft lips, I couldn't resist the sudden urge to kiss him back. So I did- I kissed him back closing my eyes along with him and wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. He took his hands off of my face and put them around my hips, we kissed for a few more seconds then he pulled away. I whined alittle about this, all I want right now was to kiss him again

   "Look Gerard if we do this then we have to keep it a secret, I still have a reputation to keep up with you know" he laughed a bit at the end

   I just nodded, he smiled and kissed me again I smiled in the kiss alittle and quickly kissed back. Then we heard the bell ring signaling that we had to go to class, he frowned alittle and we walked out of the bathroom. We didn't have this class together so we had to part ways, I started walking to my English class I had with Mikey. Then out of nowhere Mikey makes a coughing noise and we turn to each other

   "Well? Are you going to tell me where you were and what happened to you?" Mikey asked me

   "Nothing is Mom" I said mockingly

   "Shut up Aunt Margaret" he said back smiling

   We both laugh at our little inside jokes we had with each other. Then Mikey looked at me seriously and gave me a look of 'ok now tell me' so I just sighed and shook my head as to say 'later I promise' Mikey got what I was 'saying' and dropped it. We have come to know looks and secret words or phrases to tell each other something without anyone knowing, because of how much time we spend together

   We had arrived to our class and walked in and saw our teacher Mrs. Believer, she smiled at us with a genuine smile unlike some other teachers and we walked over to our seats

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