Kiss the Ring

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Frank's pov~

   I was just watching my movie, then I heard the door open the close agian and I knew my mom was home

   "Frank I'm home!" She called

   "I'm in the living room mom" I said back only being 1 room away from her

   She turned and said "oh I didnt see you there Frankie"

   I smiled and turned off the TV, she came and sat down after putting her purse and keys down

   "So frankie how was school" she asked me turning her body slightly to look at me better

   "Fine" I quickly replied

   "Hm. Well you usually have more to say than that, is everything okay frankie?" She said giving me a worried look

   "No nothing is wrong" I said looking at my feet

   "Frankie a mom knows when something is wrong, and obviously something is wrong" she said putting a hand on my back

   "okay would it make you feel better if I say"

   "yes you shouldn't be scared to talk to me" she said rubbing my back slightly

   "Okay.... so um..... I'm Bisexual..." I said and I just want to die right now

   "Okay... there's nothing wrong with that, but is there something more than that" she said still having a worried look

   "Uh.. you're not mad" I said looking up at her

   "No, but why are you telling me this now.. did something happen"

   "Well..... um... I may have.... uhm...  kissed... my crushh" I said feeling timid again

   "Well Frankie that's good!"

   We stayed talking about it for alittle bit before my mom went into the kitchen to make dinner. I felt almost.. free... I had told my mom what she needed to know... but there was still something in the back of my head. Something. It was a piercing pain. He felt almost free, yet something was still holding him down

   Something pushed all its weight on Frank almost to a breaking point. He felt like no weight was on his shoulders but all the weight in the world was pressing against his head. Like a total wave happens through his head. He couldn't stop it. The way his mom accepted him but the feeling of guilt that he might not have been telling her everything

   I racked my brain for anything, anything at all that could have been causing this pressure. Was it the dream. The fact that he was cheating on Jamia...Jamia. it was like all at once everything came crashing down I couldn't stop it. Nothing could.

   I ran up to my room shouting to my mom a few words I didnt even understand. I grabbed my phone with shaky hands almost unable to hold it. Went into my contacts and typed up her contact name. It was like she was watching me or someone told her... Jamia baby is calling.. I got the notification then it popped up on my screen

   I had no pride. No confidence. Nothing but guilt trapping me from almost not answering her call. I swiped and answered

   "Hey Frank can we hang put tomorrow I want to talk to you"

   "Yeah of course! Where do you want to go and what time" my voice weary

   "How bout I just come over at like 12 your mom wont be home so we can just hang out" she said I could here both the regret and happiness in her voice

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