the world is ugly

19 1 1

'But you're beautiful to me'

Frank's pov~

It was now Monday and I didn't want to face Gerard after what Jamia had said, and me coming to know I'm not straight. Jamia did not help me come to terms that I'm straight, I am Bisexual and I can not tell my friends or they will leave me, and I want to have friends. I also came out to Jamia when I dropped her off, I was scared but I did; she also came out to me and wont leave me just for being Bisexual because she is too

I arrived to school and immediately saw Gerard talking and laughing with his friends. My heart jumped alittle at his cute smile, I just smiled but I was not aware of it until Jamia came up to me

"What's with that shit-eating grin" she giggled alittle at the end

"Nothing... let's go" I replied and grabbed her hand

We walked inside to our lockers which were next to each other luckily. We put some stuff away and grabbed our books for our first class- math. Sadly Jamia is not in this class with me, meaning I have to face being in the same room with my crush; that I'm pretty sure I broke his heart. The bell rang and me and Jamia parted ways

I walked kind of slowly to class but some how made it in time. I sat in my normal seat next to a guy named Patrick or something. I looked over at Gerard and he was talking to afro guy, he then looked over at me I turned mu head as quickly as I could. I hope he didn't see me looking at him, then the teacher walked in. I sighed in relief hoping that dosen't happen agian

The entire time we kept looking at each other and catching each other's glances. We didn't really pay attention but my heart skipped a beat every time he was looking at me, then the bell rang i practically ran out of the classroom to hopefully not have any awkward tension between us. It didn't really work though because he caught up to me and pinned me against the lockers to keep me down. He realized what he was doing and took his arms off me then stepped back alittle

"I... uh.......... I uh... noticed you looking at me in class" he said in a cute shy manner

"Uh... yeah, but you can't say much because you stared back" I exclaimed back at him

He looked alittle at a loss of words before talking again this time with alittle more confidence but still hesitant

"Well I have a reason, what about you" he remarked

I was hesitant, this was why I didn't want to face Gerard- in fear of this kind of thing happening. He looked at me an eyebrow raised slightly with his arms crossed over his chest. I didn't know what to do at that time so I just ran, I felt my fingers brush across his thigh alittle as I passed him. I could hear him say my name once or twice, before giving up and walking away STUPID! STUPID, STUPID STUPID! I mentally yelled at my self 'well why did you run? Hm? Answer me that Frankie' I heard that voice agian! I shook my head in attempts to block it out- safe to say it didn't work. I just kept replying over and over in my head 'answer me that Frankie' that sentence echoed in my mind for minutes on end, and me trying to get rid of it. I then ran to the bathroom

I ran into it and locked it, I heard no one in here but then I heard faint sobs. I realized after a minute it was him, it was Gerard crying. I felt my heart ache at this, I have never felt this strong in my heart since I met Jamia

"The world is ugly- no you are ugly!" I heard him say through his sobs

"But you're beautiful to me"

Patrick's pov~ (ha! bet you didn't see that coming)

I was talking with Mikey in class because some how for our second period the teacher just showed up and had nothing for us and have us a free period. So we were just talking and stuff like most of the people in class, we were laughing and talking like normal friends. Then I noticed that Pete guy giving me little glances, I tried to ignore it but I couldn't. His black hair falling on his face alittle bit, and by by alittle bit I mean alot. His eyes shine in light that is shining on his face alittle from being by the window

He looked away when he heard the bell ring, me and Mikey got up after him and the rest of the people got up right after us. We walked out in the stampede of teenagers, I got a glimpse of Pete again when we walked out the door and saw him talking with Frank. Though me and Mikey just walked to our next class, YES ALMOST LUCH ONLY 2 MORE PERIODS! Don't take that out of context

We arrived to our next class and walked into the noisy class room as most people were talking. Me and Mikey sat at the back as usual for me and him. We just talked again until the teacher walked in, the class kind fo slowly quieted down. Our teacher Miss Beliver started talking when the class was silent

"Okay class we will be learning about a historic story called 'Emperors New Clothes'" she said

I and heard about this story before but never really looked into it. So I just silently listened- so far from what she was saying it seems interesting

*Time skip brought to you by Brendon's forehead*

It was finally lunch and I was walking with Ray. We walked over to the table where our friends sat, though Mikey look distraught

"Mikey what's wrong?" I asked while sitting down next to him

"...I haven't seen Gerard since first period, or Frank and I'm getting worried that something happened" he replied bitterly to Frank's name

HEEEEEYYYYY YOUNGBLOOD! I hoped you like this chapter I did have some inspiration for once so I was able to write every once and awhile without almost immediately losing interest so that's good!

Question for the chapter: Favorite MCR member

Mine is all of them EXCEPT for Matt because I don't really mind Bob


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