To The End

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Frank's pov~

   Its finnaly the weekend and I dont have to 'focus' on school, I light up a cigarette and took a drag and thought about that one new kid Gerard I heard his name was. I dont really care for him, but I find him oddly interesting. I thought about his hazle eyes the way they shined when the sun hit them or his lips and ho- wait no I can't think this I dont like him hes probably gay or something............I mean I guess he is kind of cute.....but I won't think that way I can't!

Gerard's pov~

   I'm still in alittle bit of pain from the beating but I have gotten better, though I have a bruise on my nose from that punch. I was suddenly jolted from my thoughts from Mikey walking in "hey gee I brought you some coffee, how are you feeling" Mikey has been caring for me, we always do stuff like this for each other at our darkest times. I just shrugged and took the coffee from his hands

   He smiled and the sat down next to me I finished my cup very quickly as normal. Mikey just laughed at how fast I drank my hot drink, I smiled the looked over at him "we should do something today" I said looking over at him. He layed down next to me he shrugged and tapped his foot slightly. I could tell he was thinking, we spend alot of time with each other and pick up stuff like this. Like our little signs of irritation or when we are thinking

"Hmm how bout' we go to Hot Topic because its basically our second home" Mikey suggests chucking at the end I just nodded and got up to change. Mikey was alreday dressed so we could go as soon as I was done, I got out some dark grey skinny jean's and threw on a Green Day hoddie then slipped on my balck converse

   I ran my hand through my hair a couple of times to make it smooth and put on alittle bit of eyeliner. I grabbed my wallet and my phone and walked upstairs with Mikey and got in my car. I drove because Mikey doesn't have a license yet considering he is only 15 and I'm 17. We had found a parking space and walked in the mall and to Hot Topic, we walked in and I immediately noticed a Blink-182 shirt I liked and walked towards it

  Mikey came up to me and said "dont you have like 5 other Blink-182 shirts?" He asked with humor lacing his voice. I laughed and shook my head and grabbed it. Mikey had picked out a Smashing Pumpkins shirt and we checked out

*time skip brought to you by gees dorky giggle*

   We hung out for alittle while longer at the mall and browsed we did not really find anything so we came back home, I was sketching when I started drawing Frank again. I shook my head and thought to myself 'no I'm not in love with him he is just fun to draw....right?' I had finished my sketch  and decided to write a song

   I pulled out my notebook and started writing

Mama we all go to hell

Mama we all go to hell

I'm writing this letter and wishing you well

Mama we all go to hell

Frank's pov~

   I got pretty bored so I grabbed Pansy, my guitar I played a few chords and then tuned it, I played a song I wrote called .weighted. I sang along and got lost in the music to realize my mom had come home and was watching me. I had finished and looked up at and saw my mom at my door frame a huge smile plastered on her face

   "Frank you really need to join a band! But we are having our new neighbors come over for dinner so get ready they will be here soon" my mom beamed and left me to change, I grabbed a balck button up shirt and threw on a pair of black skinny jean's and red converse; not to causul but not to dressed up either

   I ran my fingers through my hair and styled it alittle. I went downstairs to see my mom making dinner in a beautiful red dress I smiled at my amazing mom I am truly lucky to have her. I walked over to the table and got it ready with a table cloth and set out plates, cups, and utensils. My mom finished dinner and set everything out

   She made some pasta, salad, and breadsticks, I laughed at how Italian our dinner was. Then the door bell rang my mom waked over and answered the door then came in the one and only Way brothers and what I can only assume was their mom and dad. I smirked and walked over my mom introduced me

   I could see the fear in Gerards hazle eyes and the hatred in Mikeys, I just stayed there with my little smirk until my mom interrupted "well dinner is ready don't want it to get cold" we walked over and I sat next to my mom and Mr. Way with Mikey sitting across from me. Our parents talked so we did not have to really talk to each other all that much other then a side comment here and there

   "Frank a plays guitar" my mom said, I some how got in the conversation

   "Oh Gerard sings and Mikey plays bass!" Mrs. Wya said back with excitement

   Our moms talked the rest of the time about how we should play together. I was not that excited about that though "Frank why dont you go grab your guitar and maeby Gerard can sing along too of he wants!" My mom beamed I just smiled and walked up stairs to grab my guitar, I walked back down stairs and everyone was finished with their dinner and on the couch waiting for me

   I put on the strap and connected it to my ampt and played 'Somebody Told Me' by The Killers. Gerard seamed to know this song and kind of hummed to it. I smiled when I was done and everyone asked Gerard if he wants to sing and he eventually agrees so I started the song again

Somebody told me that you had a boyfriend that looked girlfriend

   He sang beautifully I loved his voice. It was truly mesmorizing, but the Ways had to leave because they had plans tomarrow. But when they were leaving I noticed Gerard had tried to cover up a bug bruise where I hit him. I just smirked and went upstairs because me and my mom were both tired

   I got into some more comfortable clothes and hopped in bed after I put Pansy away and obviously brushed my pearly whites. I got under the covers and closed my eyes and soon sleep took over.

Hello my fellow emos I hope you liked this short chapter, but with what happened between Gee and Frank will things go according to plan or will they get crushed

Question for the chapter: Favorite 'emo' band

I obviously am going for the emo quartet, like P!atd and Mcr



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