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"Say, do you guys mind if I join this little hang out with you guys?" Sangwoo asked out of nowhere.

Y/N's grip tightened onto her skirt. She didn't want some random to interfere her time with Yoonbum. She just wanted to hang out with him.


"Of course!" Y/N chirped out. She had a bright smile on her face, that smile could melt anyone's heart.

Yoonbum bashfully smiled again, Y/N didn't know if it was because of her or that she accepted Sangwoo into their hangout session.

The three sat at a table, Yoonbum took a seat.

Sangwoo were having a race to sit next to Yoonbum. Sangwoo actually shoved Y/N while he tried to get a seat next to him. So Y/N had to seat across from the two.

"So...your name is Sangwoo." Y/N says she placed her hands under her chin.

Sangwoo nodded, "I never catched your name." He says.

"Y/N." She says in a sweet tone.

It soon got quiet...

Maybe I should ask them how they met.

"Hm...I want to know how you guys met." Y/N asked. She looked at Sangwoo straight into his eyes, her E/C eyes shined.

Sangwoo smirked, "He's my ex boyfriend."

Y/N's eyes widened.


Her eyes were so wide open that they could just pop out at any moment.

She soon calmed herself down quickly, her shocked expression was replaced with a small smile. Her gaze softened.

Yoonbum was shocked himself. He didnt expect Sangwoo to say that. After all they've been through back in high school...

The two have been dating when Yoonbum and Sangwoo were on their last year of high school. Yoonbum stalked him...got caught...was kidnapped by Sangwoo...raped...tortured...and so much murder.

"Ah...wow." Y/N chuckled.

Sangwoo's smirk got wider.

"How did you and Yoonbum meet?" He asked curiously.

"We just bumped into eachother...and from there I just want to know more about him." Y/N says, she looked at Yoonbum. The both made eye contact. A light blush scattered onto her face. Yoonbum quickly looked away.

Sangwoo nodded, he didn't really care. He just needed to know how they met and get to know her a bit better so she can be wrapped around his finger. He wants to be able to have Y/N as her own like Yoonbum. The both of them for be his own personal slave.

"I was wondering if you guys want to join me at a club later tonight." Sangwoo says. Y/N looked at Yoonbum who had a red face still.

"I'll love to go..." Yoonbum answered quickly.

Sangwoo had a cute smile on his face, "Good! What about you Y/N?" He gave you a dark stare. He still had that sweet smile.

"I guess. It's not like I have anything better to do." She says.

Y/N still had her gaze on Yoonbum, she felt a bit hurt that Yoonbum was mostly keeping his eye on Sangwoo...

"Ahem," she cleared her throat, "Yoonbum." Y/N says, she wanted to grab his attention.

Yoonbum looked back at Y/N with a nervous smile, "Yea...?" He quietly said, his red face gone.

"I want to get to know you better. Would you like to come over to my place for dinner?" She asked him. Yoonbum's face immediately turned into a bright red again.

"Eh...yea..." he stuttered.

Calm down...she didn't mean it like that

He thought to himself.

With Sangwoo, he was gripping onto Yoonbum's thigh in anger. Yoonbum tried his best not to make a noise.

"Great! We should probably get going now. I want to get started on dinner right away." Y/N smiled. Her gaze went back at Sangwoo. It was a cold stare. Sangwoo just smiled st her sweetly.

Y/N stood up, "Nice meeting you Sangwoo!" Her cold stare quickly went away, she had a smile. Sangwoo stood up.

"Nice meeting you too Y/N." He says. Yoonbum sat up so he could let Sangwoo get out of the booth. Sangwoo left the cafe in a hurry.

Y/N looked at Yoonbum, she had a blank expression. She sighed, "Something about him is off..." Y/N looked away from Bum. She looked out from the clear glass window to see Sangwoo going into his car. Before he closed it he looked back at Y/N one more time. Y/N's eyes widened. That look that Sangwoo gave...it was so...creepy.

She grabbed Yoonbum by his arm, "Come on," She paused for a moment to reach over to the table to grab her bag,

"Lets go."

Yoonbum x Reader X SangwooDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora