"Thank you," I sigh in relief. 

"I'll get you an application to fill out and we can do it together another day," she smiles. 

"Thank you so much," I gratefully shake her hand. 

I leave the counseling office feeling like a thousand pounds have been lifted off of my shoulders. However, the F on my transcript would surely hurt my chances of receiving a scholarship. I just need work harder, keep studying, and do extracurricular activities and I'll be fine. 

Greg texts me why I'm not at lunch and I can't help but to spill to him the good news first. 

Greg: Where are you? You're not at lunch. 

Me: I was at the counseling office. 

Greg: Why? Are you okay?

Me: I'm more than okay. The counselor told me how to make up for my F in English. I'll be able to graduate this year!

Greg: That's great, Wendy! 

Me: I'll tell you the details at lunch. I'm heading there right now. 

As I paused by the locker, peering down onto my phone to text, in my peripheral, I can see two arms press son onto the lockers beside me and a body leaning in. 

"Vincent, guess what-" I excitedly begin, but stop once I see Bryan smirking.

"Sorry to disappoint, but it's just me."

"If you're sorry, move," I scoff, waving my arm to knock his down. He resists and steps closer towards me, pinning me against the locker. 

"Quit the act."

"What act?" 

"You pretending to be shy and cute when really you're just a slut."

"I'm not trying to be coy, jerk!" I nearly hiss, trying to move but his approaching face makes me inclined to cling to the lockers. 

"You acted like a was some perv at the party last year, but now you're just whoring yourself out," he scoffs. 

"What are you even talking about?"

"Everyone saw the picture of you leaving Grayson's hotel room."

"And that's no one's business," I retort. "Now, move."

"I was just messing with you last year, but after seeing you in just a white shirt..." he looks me up and down with his filthy eyes, "... I see maybe why Vincent finds you so appealing."

The few people passing us were getting curious as Bryan leaned in closer. However, they didn't approach us and instead, stood to the side to observe and whisper. My knees went limp once I saw them pull out their phones. Their cameras flash like those of the paparazzi waiting outside Greg's room and my chest tightened. I could feel my breaths becoming irregular and my eyes begin to leak. The memory of them screaming and shoving things flare and overtake my mind. 

"Let me alone!" I shrieked, imagining myself shoving the door shut, but really I had pushed Bryan from me. When reality came back to me, a could see him tottering, trying to regain balance. 

"You crazy bitch," he quietly mutter, careful not to let anyone around hear. 

My screams had attracted a larger audience, who gathered around but stayed off the the sides. Bryan see this and suddenly he plasters a gentle expression o his face, furrowing his brows. He slowly approaches me, seemingly to gently reach for my arms. Once his hands latch on, I feel the pressure of his fingers dig into my muscles, causing my arms to ache. 

Started as His Girlfriend (Sequel to "Started as His Tutor")Where stories live. Discover now