Discovering New Things

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     A few days passed and Jack kept practicing his spells with Samantha. Buster would always be around to watch. Samantha would clap every time Jake did a spell right. She and Jake would always help each other in potions, spells, fighting, flying, and other classes, while Buster would be at home eating tons of food and resting. Buster would always get excited every time they came home from school. They had the perfect life together. At night sometimes in Jake and Buster's room, Buster would growl.
Jake said," What buddy?"
Buster said," Why don't you just tell her how you feel?"
Jake said," Look buddy it's not the right time yet. Ok?"
Buster said," Ok. But you better tell her someday."
Jake said," I will don't worry. I just wish I could find out if she likes me back though."
Buster said," Well the way I see it. She just seems so shy and doesn't know what to do."
Jake said," Yeah. We'll find out someday. Anyway I love ya buddy. Goodnight."
Buster said," Goodnight."
     Nobody ever knew this but every time Jake and Samantha would be going out training someone was always watching them. It was Marissa. She would be studying Jake very closely every chance she could get. She would be going back home everyday after school, to look at the books, she had about the hero. They are all suppose to be expecting someday to come. Unfortunately every time she would read the books, Jake would always be doing those kinds of stuff. Marissa was always scared because she doesn't want to be dead. She wants to win the fight against him. She would also be looking at ways to defeat the hero too, she would always put sticky notes on the pages of ways to defeat the hero.
     One day during training, Marissa walked over to Jake and Samantha.
She said," Hey you two."
Samantha said," Oh. Hi Marissa. How's your day going Marissa?"
She said," Oh. It's going good. Hey Jake. How have you been?"
Jake said," Uh. I been fine."
She said," That's good."
She walked over to him.
She said," Hey Jake there is something I would like to talk to you about at my house. Would you mind coming over today?"
He said," Uh ok. Is that ok Samantha?"
Samantha said," Hmm? Oh yeah sure go ahead . I'll take care of Buster for ya."
He said," Thank you. Samantha I promise. I won't be gone long."
She said," Ok. See you later."
He said," Ok. Goodbye dear."
Samantha walked home. Jake walked with Marissa to her house. Samantha went inside. Buster barked all excited to see her.
She said," Oh hi little friend."
Buster walked back and forth to the door.
He said," Where's Jake?"
She said," Oh. He went to Marissa's house."
He said," Why?"
She said," I really don't know why."
She went to her bedroom. Laying on her bed all confused and sad. Buster walked in her room.
He said," Samantha ruff. Are you alright? You seem sad."
She looked at Buster.
She said," Oh. Come up here."
Buster jumped on her bed and sat next to her.
She petted him, while she told him.
She said," It's just that I thought maybe Jake and I had something going. I don't know why I ever thought that he would fall for someone like me. Why would he even want me? If I'm a witch."
Buster said," Yeah. But you're not a bad witch."
She looked at him like really.
He said," Oh. Yeah except for that time at night."
She said," Exactly."
He said," But there's no reason why he wouldn't."
She said," Wait what?"
He said," Uh well. I'm gonna go rest up now. Goodbye and goodnight."
She said," Wait Buster! Wait!?"
Buster went to go lie down in his bed.
Samantha wondered.
She said," What did Buster mean by that? Does Jake like me? I wonder."
Samantha went to sleep on her bed.
     Meanwhile Jake was back at Marissa's house. Marissa gave Jake a little tour of her house. Then she sat down and talked Jake for awhile about spells and other stuff.
She said," Jake has your friend Samantha told you about the hero?"
He said," Yeah. Whoever he is, I hope he comes."
She said," Oh you do huh?"
He said," Yeah that way you guys won't be in danger anymore and we can stop the horrible law from making everyone and everything evil."
She said," Yeah of course. I totally agree."
He said," Yeah. Well I should be getting home it's getting late."
She said," Yes of course. But wait."
She grabbed a potion from her potion collection. She gave the potion to Jake.
She said," Take this you might need it."
He took it from her.
He said," Thank you. See you tomorrow."
She said," Ok bye."
She closed her front door. She looked out one of her front windows watching Jake. She cast a spell outside trying to scar Jake. Jake turned around. Then he kept walking. He heard another sound. Vines from Marissa's tree started attacking Jake. He grabbed his wand from his pocket. He cast a spell to break the vine and it worked.
Marissa said," No."
He cast another spell and he broke free running to Samantha's house.
Marissa said," Nooooo!!! Nobody's ever been able to break my vines ever. Except for him. He is the hero for sure now ugh."

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