Spending Time With Eachother

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Back at Samantha house. Jake was sitting in a chair. Buster was on the rug by him relaxing. Samantha grabbed a bucket full of water and grabbed a towel. She put the towel in the bucket of water.
She said," Here Jake this will help heal the wound on your shoulder."
She placed it on Jake's wound.
Jake said," Oww. That stings."
She said," I know. But it helps heal it."
He said," Have you ever hurt yourself by using magic?"
She looked at him.
She said," Well maybe at first when I was learning you know."
He said," Oh."
She said," Yeah. I would say it's normal because you have to learn how to control it."
He said," Yeah. I suppose so."
She said," Yeah."
Buster said," Ok. I'm hungry. Samantha when is lunchtime?"
She looked at Buster. Then looked at Jake.
Jake said," What is it Samantha?"
She said," Well what does he like to eat?"
He said," Well lots of things. I think his favorite is bacon. Right buddy?"
Buster said," I love Bacon."
Samantha stood up and walked over to her kitchen with her head down.
She said," I...I don't know how to make bacon. I don't know really how to make any kind of food to be honest with you guys."
Jake stood up and walked over to her. He grabbed her hand. She turned around.
He said," Maybe I can teach you."
She smiled.
As they were cooking, they talked.
He said," Have you ever had bacon before?"
She said," Uh to be honest with you no."
He said," It's really good wait till you taste it."
She smiled.
Jake said," Ok Buster buddy it's ready."
Buster went over to the kitchen.
He said," It's about time. I'm starving."
Jake gave him a plate with bacon on it.
He said," Here you go buddy."
Buster started eating it all up.
Samantha gave Buster a bowel of water.
She said," Here's some water in case if you get thirsty too."
He looked up at Samantha.
He said," Oh. Thank you."
She said," Your welcome little guy."
Jake said," What are you waiting for Sam try it."
She said," Should I?"
He said," Yes. Bacon is very good."
She said," Um. Ok."
She picked up a piece of bacon and bit in it.
She said," Oh my gosh. Is bacon supposed to be this good?"
He said," Yes. So you like it?"
She said," Yeah it's really good."
He said," That's great. See you learned how to make something."
She said," I did. Huh?"
He said," Yeah. Maybe I could teach you how to cook and you can teach me how to do magic."
She said," I would love too."
He said," Cool."
Buster said," Yeah. But you might want to go easy on him for now Samantha."
She giggled. She looked at Jake.
She said," Will do because I don't want you to get more hurt."
He said," I understand. Hehe."
She said," Yeah."
Buster started snoring. Jake and Samantha looked at Buster.
Samantha said," Aww poor thing."
Jake said," Yeah. He's just tired."
She said," I guess. Let's have him sleep."
He said," Yeah definitely."

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