Chapter 2

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As the sun is setting over the horizon Momo's hands are interlocked with Izuku's."Momo I love you" Izuku whispers just loud enough for her to hear."Izuku I-I love you too" she says while looking into his deep green eyes.

Izuku breaks the hold and slowly goes down to one knee and brings out a small black box. He opened the box and asks the one thing Momo wanted to hear the most.

"Momo will you *beep* me?" He asked with all the seriousness he could."sorry could you say that again?" Momo said confused as to why there was a beep in the middle of his asking.

"Momo *beep* you *beep* me?" He said again.

Momo was confused as to why he was beeping like and alarm clock, wait alarm clock?

Momo wakes up, opens her eyes and hears Izuku's alarm clock beeping."I was so close" she whispered to herself so that nobody heard. She then proceeded to turn off the alarm clock and get up.

She wondered where she was for a moment and remember last night and blushed but quickly turned into another thought."Where's Izuku and Eri?"She pondered the thought for a moment before deciding to head downstairs.

When she got downstairs she saw Inko and Eri playing but didn't see Izuku anywhere."Where's Izuku?" Inko turned to Momo" you just missed him leaving for the entrance exam dear, speaking of which shouldn't you be leaving for that as well?"

"No I don't need to take the entrance exam, I got in through recommendations" Momo said walking towards Eri."Mommy look what I drew" Eri then handed Momo a picture of her, Izuku and Eri. Underneath her was mommy with an arrow pointing towards her.

Daddy pointing towards Izuku and in the middle was Eri. At the top of the drawing was the title my family. Momo smiled and looked at Eri."this is amazing sweetheart I love it, and I know daddy will too" Eri was really happy when she heard that."why don't you put it up on the fridge".

"I wonder what izuku is doing?" She thought to herself watching Eri put her picture on the fridge.

(Elsewhere with Izuku)

Izuku just finished the written exam and is currently headed to the practical exam. Well he was until he saw a brown haired girl trip and fall. He quickly reached out and grabbed her before she face planted.

"Thanks for the save" the girl looked at him with a big smile making him smile back."it probably would have been bad luck if you got hurt before we even started. We should probably get going otherwise we're going to be late" he said looking at the time.

Izuku walked into the auditorium and sat down in his seat and zoned out.

"Excuse me?!" Izuku turned his head to look at the person speaking."you said three villains but in the pamphlet there are four if this is a typo it is inexcusable for the top hero school!".

A boy with blue hair, glasses and a Very stiff posture said to the speaker.

"Oh that? That's just a gimmick enemy made to rampage when in close quarters, you can just run away from it." Izuku caught onto his deflection of the question but didn't say anything. "My apologies for acting so rude" the boy proceeded to bow at a ninety degree angle.

(Small time skip brought to you by chibi Eri)

Izuku is currently waiting for the exam to start, and he was nervous. He may be strong but he can't punch through metal. "I'll just have to figure it out" he thought to himself.

"STAAAART" a voice shouted over the intercom. Izuku wasted no time as he made a mad dash inside. He quickly came across a few one pointers he examined them quickly and noticed a few tubes coming out of the back of their heads.

He ran as fast as he could and grabbed the tube and pulled them out of one's head deactivating it.

(Small time skip brought to you by chibi Momo hugging chibi Izuku)

It's been twenty eight minutes in this thirty minute test and Izuku has managed to get forty three points. He felt a sudden rumble in the ground stopping him from running. He looked around and saw a bunch of examines running from a massive robot.

He was about to run as well but he picked up a faint cry for help. He quickly turned and saw the girl from before the exam with her ankle trapped from debris. Seeing no other option he started running, he didn't have enough speed so he transitioned down to all fours and took off in an insane burst of speed.

"Thank Kami that I learned how to run on all fours" he thought back to how many injuries he received from the training and shivered a little. The other examines saw him running and jumping at an insane speed and grew confused, they looked over to the robot and saw that someone was stuck in it's path.

"Are you ok!" He shouted as he reached her."I think I sprained my ankle" she said as izuku lifted the ruble off her leg. Izuku bent down and grabbed her and put her on his back."hold on tight" he said as he started running.

"Not to sound ungrateful but it's chasing us!" She shouted looking back at the robot."Damnit, you better hold on tight!" He yelled transitioning to all fours with her on his back.

Izuku was extremely exhausted to say the least, he quickly turned and entered a building where he collapsed breathing heavily." Are you alright?" The girl asked worried about him."yea*huff* just *huff* gotta *huff* rest" Izuku said through heavy breaths.

"TIIIIIMES UP" a shout over the intercom said grabbing their attention."Well looks like it's over, by the way my name is Uraraka Ochaco" " Izuku, Izuku Midoriya". He said still exhausted.

(Time skip brought to you by chibi Eri riding a bike)

"I'm home" Izuku said aloud, he took off his shoes and heard the sound of rapidly approaching feet and smiled."Daddy!" Eri shouted as she got Izuku into an ultra glomp. "hey, were you good while I was gone?" Eri looked up at him and nodded with a smile.

"Hey sweetie how'd the exam go" Inko asked as he entered the living room with Eri riding on his back."I'm fairly certain I passed, I got forty three points so I think I'm good."He put Eri down on the couch and made his way to his room and fell on his bed not even bothering to take off his sweaty cloths and fell asleep.

(I apologise this chapter isn't as long as the last one was but I hope you enjoyed)

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