-/26\- Just One Billie?

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Once I woke up I got changed into a pair of black skinny jeans and a black cropped hoodie. I brushed my hair and put my shoes on. We called an uber and told Greg we were going out before leaving. Once we got there I smiled. "Same house," Luke said. We had called her and told her we were coming. We got out and I rang the doorbell. The beautiful brunette with beautiful brown eyes opened the door. She was dressed in a pink floral dress. Carter was my mums best friend's daughter. She's not really related to us but we call her mum our Aunt so we call her our cousin. I hugged her tightly and so did Luke. "It's so good to see you!" I said. "You too," she smiled. I saw her tall, brown haired husband, Russell. "Hey kiddo," he said to me as he hugged me. "Woah Luke how tall are you going to get?" He asked. "I think I'm done growing now," Luke laughed. "That's what we thought when he was 18," I giggled. "Oh! Carter, Russ, this is Ashton, Calum, Michael and that is Billie, she's Michael's girlfriend," Luke said. They said hi. "Now! Where are your offspring?" I asked smiling. Carter laughed and shook her head. "In the play room," she giggled. She took us there and when I walked in I saw Toby, her first born. He had her dark brown hair and Russell's green eyes. "LUNA!" He yelled. He ran over to me and hugged my thigh. "Woah! How old are you now bud?" I asked bending down and hugging him. He held up 5 fingers. "LUKE!" He yelled moving on to my brother. He met everyone else and that was when we saw the cot in the corner. Carter walked over to it and picked up a tiny baby. She had her mum's deep chocolate eyes. She was also wearing a pink little onesie. "Meet Ciara," she said. I walked over to the little girl. "Hi," I smiled. "Do you want to hold her?" Carter asked me. I nodded. He passed her into my arms. Luke walked over to me and took her into his. "She's precious," he smiled. He passed her to Mike who started to get intense baby fever. "Just one Billie?" He asked. "Mike we're not having a baby," Billie laughed. "Please? I'll take really good care of it!" He protested. "Michael you have a career you moron," she rolled her eyes. He pouted and passed her to Billie before she passed it to Calum. "Awh, look at her little hands," he cooed as she clasped a tiny fist around his pointer finger. She started to whimper slightly as she was being passed to Ashton. I looked in awe as he wrapped his arms around her body and she looked up into his eyes. She instantly became silent as Ash rocked her slightly. God, could he be any more perfect? He handed her back to her dad and walked over to me. "Hi," he said. I smiled. "Hey," I responded softly. He opened his mouth to say something but Carter grabbed my wrist and pulled me away. "So how long have you and Ashton been together?" She asked quietly. "Hm?" I hummed in surprise. "Please, the way you look at each other makes it obvious," she rolled her eyes. I sighed. "Since San Diego," I said softly. She squealed happily. "Sshhh, we haven't told anyone," I said. She nodded. Ashton walked over. "She knows," I said to him. "What? How?" He asked. "It's obvious," she rolled her eyes. Ashton dropped his head. "We have to get better at this," he said, scratching the back of his neck. "Or we could just tell people?" I asked. "I thought you didn't want to?" He asked me. "This is way too difficult," I said. He smiled. "But Luke would be so upset with us," I said. His smile disappeared and I felt my heart sink. "You're right," he said. I grabbed his hand to comfort him. "What's happening?" Luke asked as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. Ashton dropped my hand and walked away. Fuck.

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