-/20\- Management...

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It was currently 10:23 pm. Billie was asleep in her bunk and I had a movie on in the lounge that I wasn't watching. I was on my phone looking at everything that had surfaced today.

Celebrity Detail News: Luke Hemmings' twin sister Luna Hemmings was kidnapped outside the 5sos tour bus parked in Denver early this morning. The 22 year old is now safe but was in extreme danger when she was taken by abusive ex boyfriend.

How do they get all this information? I headed to twitter. I saw a hashtag.


I clicked on it almost immediately. I started scrolling through tweets.

Holy crap! Just read what happened to Luna! I hope you're ok!! We all love you and appreciate you so much. You are an incredible person who should not have been treated like that. No one should be treated like that. I'm glad you are safe and I'm happy that you got out of that situation. I love you guys xxx

Words cannot describe how happy I am that Luna is safe and with the people she loves. I've been a fan of 5sos since 2012 and of course, like many others, it was a shock when we heard the news about Luna. But as soon as we learnt about her, we loved her immediately. She is apart of this family and the fact that this has happened is horrible. I'm so happy that the culprit has been imprisoned and that Luna got out when she did. Sending all my love to Luna, Billie and the boys. ❤❤

I felt myself smile. I liked as many as I could. I am so glad that the boys have fans like this. I knew there would be mean posts and tweets but I chose not to go searching for them. I turned my phone off and started to fall asleep.

Around 1 am the tour bus door opened and I opened my eyes. Still half asleep. The curtain to my bed was opened. I turned on my side and made eye contact with Luke. "Sorry," he giggled. I shoved his face away from me. "It's 1 in the fucking morning dude," I mumbled slowly. "Goodnight shitstick," he said. "Goodnight doofus," I mumbled as he closed my curtain. I fell back asleep.

In the morning we were already driving to San Diego. I woke up on the moving bus and carefully made my way to the lounge where I sat down. I was next to Calum who was being very silent. "Are you ok?" I asked him placing a hand on his bare shoulder. He looked at me smiling. "Luke's on the phone, I don't want to interrupt him. It's very important," he said. I rested my head on his shoulder. "Who's he talking to?" I asked. I felt him immediately tense up. "Uhhh.. management.." he said. I just shrugged. "She's going to meet us in Los Angeles on the 12th of October," I heard Luke say. His eyes widened as he saw me. "Who's meeting us in Los Angeles?" I asked. Luke looked at Calum. "Management?" Luke asked. "Ok," I said. He let out a breath. "Anyway, why are you up so early?" Calum asked. "Because my stupid brother is an asshole who decided to wake me up at 1 in the morning and I never really went back to sleep fully," I said facing Luke. He laughed. "I love you, little sister," Luke smiled. "Twin!" I said. "Technically I was born 20 minutes before you, so I'm older," he smiled. I mocked him. Calum laughed. Everyone else started to walk into the lounge and sat down. Ashton sat on the other side of me. My heartbeat increased. Even his presence makes my heart flutter. Billie walked in and handed everyone a cup of coffee. I thanked her smiling. Ashton rested his head on my shoulder and I patted his messy curls. Calum put on some movie and we just watched for a little while. Michael got his phone out and started filming me. I look dead at the camera. I flip him off and giggle. Ashton pulled his head off of my shoulder and smiled at Mike.

9:00 that night.
We are like 15 minutes away from parking in San Diego. I was currently sitting on my bed watching a movie on my laptop. The curtain to my bed opened. "Hi Cal," I smiled. He climbed into my bunk. "Hi," he smiled back. "What're you watching?" He asked. "The Breakfast Club," I said. He took one of my earbuds and put it in his ear, sitting next to me. I rested my head on his shoulder.

I just want to shove Calum out of the way and kiss Luna but of course I can't. I was sitting in the lounge with Luke. "She almost found out about Sierra," he said quietly. I looked at him. "You're going to have to tell her eventually," I said. "I'm just going to introduce her to her, like Mike did with Billie," Luke said. "Dude that's Mike. This is your sister," I said. He nodded. "You're right I'm going to tell her now," he said getting up and walking to her bunk. 3, 2, 1.. "Nope I can't do it," he said plopping back down next to me. "Look, she's not going to be upset about the girlfriend part, she's going to be upset because you didn't tell her sooner," I said. "I think I should just not tell her," he said. I shrug. Ok, just ignore my advice. I got up and sighed and went to my bunk. I sat down on it and closed my curtain. I pulled my knees up to my chest. I was right. She's my best friend's sister. I can't feel like this. But I do. The bus stopped. "We're parked!" I heard Greg yell. I threw a leather jacket and sunglasses on and ran out the bus door. "Ash?" I heard Billie ask. I kept running. I ran until I found a bar. I walked in and just started doing shots. I wanted one fucking night where all my thoughts weren't about her.

After a little bit I was pretty drunk. I saw a pretty girl. Fuck it. She was sitting by herself across the bar and was sipping some pink cocktail. I walked over to her. She looked up at me. I instantly recognised who she was. "Tara," I said. "Hi Ash," she smiled. She was wearing a tight black mini skirt and a tight pink top. She was wearing heels as well. "How do you keep finding me?" I slurred. "Tour dates are public Ashton," she whispered. I know it was so fucking wrong and I shouldn't have done it but I was far to intoxicated to know that at this point. I grabbed her face with my hand and pressed her lips against mine. I didn't like her but I needed to get Luna off my mind. "I have a hotel room," she said. "Lets go," I said. She grabbed my hand and led me out of the bar.

I watched Ashton run out of the bus and we had gone outside. "Does anyone know where he went?" Greg asked. We all said no. That's when we decided to split up. I was walking with Billie. "Do you think he would go to a bar?" She asked. "Fuck I hope not," I said. Ashton had stages of drunk. There was stage 1- giggly, stage 2- aggressively affectionate and stage 3- stupid. If he's by himself and he gets to stage 3 then who knows what he'll do. After about half an hour we saw the third bar we've come across tonight. I watched as Ashton walked out of the bar and got in a car with a girl. "Billie!" I shouted pointing. "Fuck, that's Tara!" She screamed.

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