Flashbacks (Keith Krolia Bonding/Klance)

Start from the beginning

She went for the low-tech, beaten blade and dried meat, sliding on her side to reach it 'unharmed'

as soon as she got there, she heard the whistle blow along with Seccors bellowing voice.


She was scrambling now, letting go of the two things shed grabbed when the gun had fired and sprinting to stand in front of Seccor, stiff and arms by her sides obediently.

"Can anyone be so ignorant, and stupid? What did you go for 372?"

"Permission to speak, sir?" she asked

"Granted" he quipped

"Blade and dried pigs meat, sir" she said, voice monotone and sharp.

He slapped her upside the head, stunning Krolia for a few ticks

The look of surprise that flashed in Krolias eyes was gone quicker than he had slapped her.

"never. ever. go for the fighting equipment. in this simulation, survival is key 372."

"id expected better."

The flashback shoved them out of it, as if knowing the didn't belong there.

"Krolia....What was that?" Keith asked after several Dobashes after they had cooled off.

"Marmoran training, Keith. Not one of my finest moments" she joked humorlessly

Keith nodded solemnly, perhaps understanding the struggle. 

Although, how could he? once Krolia had reached the higher ranks she had fought tooth and claw to change the training system to be less harsh (leadership-wise), so surely they hadn't hanged it with her gone? She hadn't been able to change that blasted 'mission before emotion' thing, so she could understand that part; but he shouldn't had been beaten down by Kolivan, because he would never.

She supposed that perhaps his life had been harder than shed initially expected. Of course, after that flashback shed seen of Keith in one of his....earth homes, she wouldn't be surprised if Keith had clawed his way through life just as she had.

Yet, at some point she had found Keith Texan father.

Which made her wonder...

Did Keith had someone special in his life?

Probably not. if he had gotten a single gene from his mother, then he would be a bad socializer.

But if so, then who?


The third one came in a flurry of memories, so it was kind of a jumbled mess.

Krolia and Keith had gotten much closer, but Krolia had a feeling that Keith was still hiding a few things from her.

For instance; Why was the Blue/Red paladin so entrancing to her son? He'd talked about Lance as if he were the light of his life.

'lace is an amazing sharpshooter, i wish i had his long range skills'

'Lance can pilot really well if he has proper motivation'

'Lance actually came to me for help one, can you believe it?'

'Pidge and Hunk sometimes exclude Lance. I thought they were his best friends?'

'Lance gets taken for granted a lot. He tries to hide it, but sometimes...i can see him slip up. Hes much more valuable than any of them know...'

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