Flashbacks (Keith Krolia Bonding/Klance)

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TW: non-graphic abuse, gay shit,\and established klance relationship

Flash backs

That's what happened on that time planet thing anyways.

They came, sometimes at night, sometimes during the day, but they always came.

Krolia recalled so many. And they helped her catch up with her son, when he was unwilling to. Of course she would never force him to say something he didn't want to, but the flashbacks were about of her control entirely, so she would take what she could get, whenever she could get it.

Sometimes, they would both see the same thing, but others, it was only a one-way thing.

She remembered a particular memory that both of them shared.

Krolia was going rotisserie style on this wild Sartack they had managed to take down, using the help of the cosmic wolf Keith had adopted. As soon as it hit, both of them went reeling mentally.

Keith, a child, cornered in a closet, with a shadowed man looming over the poor six year old threateningly with a belt.

All the m other could hear from her only son was whimpers of 'no' and 'please'

it sickened and enraged her.

Krolia closed her eyes whilst she just hear grunts and whips coming from where Keith had been situated.

Slowly it faded, and she got a glimpse of the aftermath; a crying, broken Keith.

They both rolled over, shaking themselves out of the jarring memory, especially Keith, who pinched the bridge of his nose and seemingly muttered something along the lines of "patience and yielding" she wasn't sure what it meant, but it seemed to do the trick.

Krolia just started at her son, never being good with emotions.

Keith looked up at her timidly, catching her shocked, loving eyes for only a split second before lowering his head back to the very interesting dirt below them both.

"K-Keith....i'm sorry....i wasn't there" 

Kieth only pulled the wolf closer and turned his back side to her.

She had noticed the way he curled into his wolf and held on for dear life to the Space wolf

But she mostly noticed the single tear he had failed to choke down before he'd turned away.

It was heart breaking to watch.

 She just went back to their dinner quietly.


They had both silently agreed to not speak of that, but it had still burned bright in Krolias mind for many Quintants after.

Until the next memory wave hit, more fierce than the last.

She could tell it wouldn't be a pleasant one. 

This time, it was of Krolia.

a younger, more hard-eyed Krolia, who stood in a sharp line of various colored Blade of Marmoians, also as hard-eyed, but not as young.

Seccor, he previous mentor before Kolivan, stood before the line of men and women, holding a plasma-gun, surrounded by primitive tech and resources.

He fired the gun in the air and started yelling orders with a loud, booming voice that would shake Zarkon to his roots. Krolia watched herself make a very grave, and unforgettable mistake she would later discover was a very wrong choice.

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