Red Sky At Morning- Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Hey!" You and Dean both said that at the same time but you let Dean finish the thought. "No need to get nasty."

"We are cops, okay? We're undercover. We're here because we think you're in danger." Sam explained.

"From who?!"

"If you just settle down, we'll talk about it."

"Look, you guys just stay away from me!" Peter ran away before you could say anything. He ran to his car and started to drive it towards the gate.

"Wait!" Sam exclaimed.

"Hey, you moron! We're trying to help you!" Dean yelled. As Peter's car approached the gate, the car suddenly shuddered, coughed and died.

"That can't be good." You said.

"No, get the salt gun," Sam said and you and Dean ran back to the car while Sam tried to get the gate open. You grabbed your gun and Dean grabbed his. You both ran back to the gate to see it already open and Sam was gone. You rushed through it and to the car where Sam is kneeling by the driver's side to see if Peter was okay.

As you got closer, you could see a spirit dressed in an old seaman's clothes and a navy coat. It looked like he was a sailor of some sort. His long hair dripped in front of his eyes and it looked like he just came out of the ocean or a pool since he was dripping wet.

Dean ran in front of you and pointed the gun at the ghost, calling for Sam to duck. Sam moved out of the way and Dean shot at the ghost but it disappeared before it was hit. Dean shattered the passenger's side window in the process. You walked to the car and reached inside to unlock the car so that Sam could reach Peter.

Sam pulled Peter back and checked for a pulse but the look Sam gave you and Dean told you that he was dead. You sighed and looked down while Dean kicked the car in frustration.

You were too late.

"Come on, we need to go before someone sees us." You said. Sam and Dean agreed but they didn't say a word. None of you said a word until you three got back in the Impala and Dean was driving down the road in the middle of the night, going back to the abandoned house you picked to stay in for the time being. You didn't have any money to stay at a motel so this is what you had to do.

"When what started out as a mild... severe weather front headed in from the Northwest. Expect heavy lightning and thunder, with sudden rainfall—" The radio host started speaking about the weather but Dean promptly turned off the radio.

"Do you wanna say it, or should I?"

"What?" Sam asked but you kept quiet.

"You can't save everybody, Sam."

"Yeah, right, so, what, you feel better now or what?"

"No, not really."

"Me either." Sam sighed.

"You have to understand..." You started to say but Sam cut you off.

"It's just lately, I feel like I can't save anybody." You frowned and scooted closer to Sam and placed a hand on his shoulder, silently letting him know that you were there for him. He didn't respond to you but he didn't move you off him either. That was a good sign in your eyes.


The following day, after taking a shower and eating, Sam was reading more about the victims and the case while Dean was on the phone. You were sitting next to Sam even though you weren't helping him read. He worked better alone anyways. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and you stood up since you were the only one that wasn't busy.

Both brothers watched you as you walked to the door and opened up the little peephole to see who it was. You rolled your eyes and sighed, closing the peephole and opening the door for Bela who walked inside. Sam and Dean rolled their eyes but didn't say a thing.

"Dear... God. Are you actually squatting? Charming." Bela observed.

"What do you want, Bela?" You asked.

"How'd things go last night with Peter?" You glared at her but walked back to Sam, taking your spot again.

"That well, huh?"

"If you say, 'I told you so', I swear to God I'll start swinging," Dean said once he was off the phone.

"Look, I think the four of us should have a heart-to-heart."

"That's assuming that you have a heart." You said.

"Y/N, please... I'm sorry about what I said before, okay? I come bearing gifts."

"Such as?"

"I've ID'd the ship," Bela spoke as she unzipped a portfolio file before handing it to Sam who was reaching for it. "It's the Espírito Santo, a merchant sailing vessel, quite a colorful history. In 1859 a sailor was accused of treason. He was tried aboard ship in a kangaroo court and hanged. He was 37."

"Which would explain the 37-year cycle." You noted.

"Aren't you a sharp tack? There's a photo of him somewhere in there." Bela said while Sam flipped through the file before landing on the photo of the ghost you saw in Peter's car right before Dean shot him.

"Isn't that the spirit we saw last night?" You asked the brothers.

"You saw him?" Bela asked, a bit surprised.

"Yeah, that's him, except he was missing a hand," Dean answered you, ignoring Bela.

"His right hand?" Bela asked.

"How did you know?" Sam wondered.

"The sailor's body was cremated, but not before they cut off his hand to make a hand of glory."

"A hand of glory? I think I got one of those at the end of my Thai massage last week," Dean laughed, joking around.

"Dean, the right hand of a hanged man is a serious occult object. It's very powerful." Sam explained.

"So they say," Bela said.

"Which officially counts as remains." You pointed out.

"But still, none of this explains why the ghost is choosing these victims." Sam sighed.

"I'll tell you why. Who cares? Find the hand, burn it, and stop the bloody thing." Bela said impatiently.

"I don't get it. Why are you telling us all of this?" Dean asked her.

"Because I know exactly where the hand is."

"Where?" You asked.

"At the Sea Pines Museum. It's a macabre bit of maritime history. But I need help."

"What kind of help?" You asked, even though you'd rather not know the answer. All Bela did was smile.

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