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Disclaimer: all rights go to Leigh bardugo. Except for the plot of this story.
Kaz opened the door, to be met with a angry Wylan and a worried Jesper. Well, he could handle the angry Merchling. He was angry too. Inej had just called him cute when they were interrupted. There would be hell to pay for this one. When Inej had called him cute, he felt like he was gonna explode from happiness. Which was a new feeling because, he normally wasn’t happy. At all.

He glared at the young Van Eck, as he leaned against the door frame. He wasn’t letting them see Inej yet. Because if they saw Inej, her attention would be divided and he wanted all of her attention. She thought he was cute.

“What?” he asked them, feeling Inej’s glare digging into his back. Well, the moment had been broken. Damn Wylan to the pits of hell.

“That’s it? You’ve been in here for 2 days straight, and all we get is a what?!” Wylan said fuming. Kaz could tell that Jesper was getting more nervous, the more that Wylan was talking. Kaz could also tell that Inej had gotten up off of the bed and was now striding toward the door.

“2 days?” She whispered so quietly that even Kaz had a hard time catching it, so there was no doubt in his mind that they didn’t hear it. After he did hear it though, Kaz felt his face flush from embarrassment. He still hadn’t told her how he had been and if these details kept popping up, she was gonna put it all together.

“What do you want, Wylan?” He asked, feeling like they desperately needed to steer the discussion away from where it was going.

“You can’t put me in charge and expect me to know what I'm freaking doing. I don’t know how to run a gang! I don’t even know how to read, Kaz!” Wylan exclaimed, obviously overwhelmed by the Dregs. Good. He can have that misery.

Kaz could feel, Inej’s probing glance asking why he had put the merchling in charge. It was because, he knew that Wylan could do a decent job, but at the same time do miserably. He would be good in the sense that what needed to be done would get done. But he didn’t exactly inspire loyalty, nor did he strike fear into the hearts of the competitors.

He was also protected by Jesper and no one would believe it but also by Kaz, himself. So in a way, it would help Wylan with knowledge of the gang and make the Dregs appreciate everything Kaz did just a little more. Or maybe not. They weren’t exactly the learning type.

“That’s exactly what I can expect. You’re a part of my crew, and you’re a fast learner. So I can expect you to at least have an idea of what to do.” Kaz told him calmly. Kaz could feel Inej edging closer to the door opening. So he pulled the door closer to his body, to try to make sure that she wasn’t visible to the two people at his bedroom door. She did not like this, but one look in Kaz’s eyes told her that maybe she shouldn’t reveal herself yet.

“Will you at least eat something, if we bring it up here?” Jesper cut into their conversation. Was Jesper worried about him? He doubted it.

“I’m not really hungry at the moment.” Kaz told Jesper quietly, just in case he was actually worried about Kaz. Jesper was trying to catch his eyes with his, obviously trying to search Kaz’s gaze for any sign that he was lying. He wasn’t. He was too anxious about continuing his conversation with Inej, to even think about eating something. But sadly Wylan was not that observant and ruined his future plans.

“Kaz you haven’t eaten in 3 days!” Wylan said, now looking at Kaz with worry glinting in his blue eyes. He felt the moment Inej registered his words, because she gritted her teeth and started to move. Before Kaz could pull the door even closer to his body, Inej had grabbed the doorknob, with enough spunk and sound that the two people at his door, jumped in surprise.

She then pulled the door fully open and started stomping out of his room saying something about grabbing him some food, and then once it was there, making him eat it. Even if it meant shoving it down his throat. Kaz groaned with frustration, knowing that he couldn’t stop her. Both Wylan and Jesper looked at him with wide eyes.

“How long has she been here? Was that whole fight that you 2 had, staged? Have you been in here having a little alone time, while you leave the rest of us to flounder with the gang?” Jesper asked him, all in what seemed to be, one breath.

“Jes, calm down. One question at a time.” Kaz told him calmly, internally freaking out. How was he gonna spin this?

“Was that whole fight that you 2 had, staged?” Jesper immediately spit out, looking very suspicious. Kaz sighed and looked Jesper right in the eye.

“No. I wouldn’t do that to you guys. She...she left and i’ve been in here. And then she came in through my window today. I swear. Nothing was going on.” Kaz told Jesper honestly. He might hide his plans but his loyalty was to his gang. And as much as he wanted to teach Wylan a little something about the gang, he wouldn’t have left if he thought he was in control of himself and his emotions.

But he wasn’t and that would have led to bad decisions. Wylan opened his mouth to ask something else, when they heard Inej stomping her way back up to them carrying a tray with a bowl and a plate on it, along with some utensils in her hand. She hurriedly put the tray on the small desk that he had in his room and turned to him.

“Now Kaz, are you gonna sit down and eat or am I going to have to tie you to the chair and make you?” Inej asked him, sounding as polite as a rabid badger.

“Kinky.” Kaz said back to her, and ignoring the sharp intake of breath behind him, He started walking toward his desk chair.

Authors note:
I recently had some motivation from someone (the only person that has ever commented on my story). And it was enough motivation to finish this chapter!! The next one is already a work in progress and I'm glad to work a little more on this story. Until next time, peace ✌

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