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Authors note:
All credit of characters and the world go to the Author which is Leigh Bardugo
Umm...first off, I don't know where this story is going and I only have a little idea of what the plot is. So I don't know when I will be updating. And this is basically acting like the final Kanej scene in the harbor never happened. No parents, no Kaz without gloves, and no hand holding. But he still gave her the boat and berth 22. Characters may be a little OOC. So enjoy?

Kaz pov

Kaz was sitting in his office at the slat, stressing about the new plan he had concocted, when Inej burst through the door. She looked upset and instantly Kaz’s heart twinged, followed immediately by him shoving that emotion down.

“Kaz...I'm sorry. I couldn't find your gloves and - wait are you wearing your gloves?!” Inej asked him, her gaze zeroing in on his hands, that indeed had the gloves cloaking them.

“Oh yeah, I found them.” Kaz said with a shrug. Apparently that wasn't what she wanted to hear.

“And you didn't think to tell me?! I’ve been looking all week for them. I used all my resources! I haven't slept in 3 days and I haven't eaten in 5! I crawled through the sewers of the Barrel to look for those! I went back to the Exotic sector to ask the patrons there if they had heard anything about them!” Inej spat at him. He couldn't believe it. She...she went back there for him. But apparently she wasn’t done yelling at him. “And when I couldn't find them I BOUGHT new gloves and cut them like yours!” She pulled something out of her pocket and threw it at him. It was another pair of black gloves. “I knew you can’t function without those things, so I tried my best to find them, wasting MY time. The time I could have been using to catch Slavers. And you didn't think to tell me, or I dont know send a damn message saying that you found the things?!” Kaz could tell she was done by the set of her shoulders, holding back the anger, waiting for him to speak.

He opened his mouth to say something about how he was sorry and that she should sleep, but instead he said,”You're leaving again? Already? You were gone for two months last time. And you were only here a week before the glove thing.” He couldn't believe what he had just said but he had. But in a way it was true. She never spent anytime in Ketterdam anymore.

Her eyes flashed and she glared at him. A sneer formed on her mouth as she said,”Is that all you can say for yourself? Asking whether i'm leaving again? I don’t get a explanation, only a accusation. Well let me tell you something, Kaz Brekker. Fuck you!” She told him storming out of his office. Oh he had screwed up big time. Inej did not swear. He stood up and hurried after her, leaving his cane where it lay on the desk.

“Wait, Inej! Let me explain!” He yelled after her hoping she would stop. And she did, but the look on her face, when she turned around, froze him to the floor of the Slat. They had a audience now, and there was no walls that would protect this conversation from the Dregs. No walls to seperate the conversation from Jesper who was sitting at the bar, or Wylan who was sitting at the tables acting like he knew what he was doing. And the whole room was staring at them. They were staring at their boss and his wraith. And they had a very good reason to stare. They knew he never, EVER, fought with Inej. And at the very least he never fought with her in public. but she was obviously going to continue the fight. So he braced himself for the worst.

“No, if you wanna complain go ahead. But I am not going to stick around and here you Bitch and moan about MY decisions. If I want to leave, I will! If I want to stay away for a few months, I will. Heck if I want to never come back, I will. And you can't do anything about it, Dirtyhands.” her use of his nickname threw Kaz off guard, she never called him that. She didn't like the name and never called him that, at least not in a serious sentence.  Jesper’s mouth was hanging open as well as everyone else’s. Nobody talked to Kaz Brekker that way. Well now they all knew Inej could.

The Kanej Story [COMPLETED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora