She Is My Everything

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    "Camila!" I shouted from just behind Camila who hadn't noticed me come up behind her. She jumped hard and put a hand on her heart.
    "Jesus christ colby..."she said, turning around and looking at me wide eyed.
   " welcome to the prank war!" I shouted she rolled her eyes and laughed a little.
   Camila and I had moved all her things into the house and she was all unpacked up in my room. She had been loosing some subscribers and hate was being piled her way. People were tweeting me and direct messaging me and even the whole house that we needed to kick her out and I needed to break up with her. Camila had dealt with it for weeks and so had the house all because she told us not to pay it any attention and it would blow over. But it just kept getting worse.
    I had told Camila I wouldn't make a video or a tweet to defend her because she knew it would just rile everyone up further, but this had led to Camila fans tweeting about me, saying that I wasnt defending my girlfriend and they 'thought I was better than this' I ignored all the comments and tweets and took a long break from social media.
    Finally I broke. I had been filming a video with brennen and had come home with some dinner for her and I.
    "Hey, where's cam?" I asked the guys when I walked in the door later that night. They looked at each other sadly.
    "she's upstairs, she told us to send you up as soon as you got home." Sam said.
    I was worried by the looks on their faces. I nodded grimly and turned to the stairs, taking them two at a time. I got to me and cams room door and I knocked softly.
    A faint "come in" came from inside and I could tell something was wrong, her voice was strained. I opened the door softly and saw Camila sitting on the bed, her hair put up in a messy bun, one of my take chances sweatshirts pulled over her head.
    Her eyes were puffy and red, I could see tear stains on her cheeks. She looked up at me and gave a wet smile.
    I walked to her and set the take out panda express on my desk as I closet the door. I sat down next to her and embraced her gently in a hug. She wrapped her arms around me and  she sniffed, she started to cry softly into my shoulder, I buried my face in her hair.
    "what's wrong?" I asked.
    "it's okay Colby, I'll be fine." she said softly. I shook my head.
    "Camila, tell me." I said. I pulled away from her and looked directly into her eyes. She nodded after a second.
    "I'm just having one of those days. My depression is getting to me." she said giving me a half smile through her tears.
    "is that it?" I asked, knowing it wasn't and pushing her to tell me the rest.
    She gave a small laugh. "no, you know me too well, I just wish everyone would get over being in our business and stop making our lives miserable." she said softly.
    I nodded and hugged her again. "I'm going to put out a video tonight to talk about it." I said as I hugged her again.
    She nodded a little hesitantly. "okay, devyn and Kat wanted to go out tonight anyway, I'll leave you alone to film it." she said as she pressed her head against my chest.

    Camila had gone with devyn and Kat a few minutes ago after getting ready and I set up my camera at my desk. I took a deep breath in and started the camera as I let it out slow.
   "So today I'm making this video a serious one..."i put my head in my hands and had to hold back tears of all the frustration and anger and sorrow I had kept inside for weeks. I looked back up at the camera and I knew I had tears in my eyes.
   " uh, "I paused, my voice cracking with emotion. " I don't know what you are all trying to do through all this hate you're throwing at me and Camila, but it's doing nothing but making both of us miserable. You might think that we're just youtubers
to fuel your obsetion with getting your hate out on someone, but we're real people too. We feel and breath and you don't know the full story of what we face every day in our own lives. I'm speaking most for cam and I but also for all the youtubers out there, for example Lauren and Alex broke up recently and some of you have been sending them so much hate its drowning them even though it doesn't seem like it."
    I paused and took in another deep breath and let it out." the truth is we suffer far more than you would think with what you say, it's affecting or jobs and our lives, our friends and our families, we just act happy because we want you all to be inspired, to have somewhere to go when you aren't feeling your best. But we suffer with health issues and mental disabilities too, like anxiety and depression, some of us are bipolar or are constantly sick but keep pushing on. The truth is we are real people." I stopped and then smiled to myself as I looked down at my notes.
   " now onto the topic or Camila and I..." I let out a small laugh just thinking of her. "guys, I'm in love with her. She makes me feel so much more myself than I ever did without her, she makes me happy and she accepts me when I'm sad. We are in love, many of you watching haven't ever been in love with anyone, maybe a crush or a temporary girl friend or boyfriend, but not the 'in love' that I feel. Camila she, "I stopped and couldn't help but smile as I brought my hands together and pointed them at the camera.
   " she's the most amazing girl I've ever met. She's my everything. "I said through my smile.
   " I want to keep this short, but I hope you all can accept that we are in love with each other, and even if you continue to throw hate at us then I'd be willing to stop YouTube just to be with her. She's all that matters to me other than you guys and my friends, but please, if you need to hate anyone, hate me, she doesn't deserve your hatred." I said,ending the video there.

    Eventually the hate stopped and Camila and I went on as strong as ever, I knew I would always love her, she was everything to me and the two of us were going to Kansas for her to meet my family and after that we were going to utah for me to meet her family. I looked over at her from my side of the bed as she slept, she was gorgeous. A few lose strands from her messy bed head hanging in her closed eyes, she hugged her pillow as she laid on it, her cheek pressed against the side of it, her mouth slightly open as she breathed evenly. I smiled and brushed the strands of hair from her face behind her ear. She stirred slightly and moved a little, gently resting back into her original position as she continued to sleep. I knew I could never love anyone as much as I loved her. She was the best girl I had ever met, and she was my everything, I would protect her for the rest of my life, and one thing I knew for certain, she was in love with me, and I was in love with her, I would never stop loving her. Camila Moore was mine. She's the one.

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