The Panel

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"aaaayyyy!" I called as brennen entered the room, we were backstage of the large lane room we were having a panel at with Camila and all the guys. Already there were hundreds of fans finding their seats.
Brennen embraced me and we got everyone together, everyone was here accept Camila and we were minutes from starting.
"where is she?" I asked one of the men helping backstage.
"i have no idea." He said shrugging and leaving to do something else.
Brennen pulled out his phone and FaceTimed Camila. The call wrang for a few moments and then She answered.
"Brennen, I am so sorry, I'm coming I'm about a block away. I'll be there any second." she said quickly. Brennen nodded.
"okay, see you in a minute." He said.
"bye." she said as she hung up.
A few minutes later a panting and out of breath Camila Moore stumbled into the room. She bent over and put her hands on her knees and tried to catch her breath.
"What happened to you?" Jake asked.
"I just ran about a mile and a half." she panted.
"geez, and you're not dead yet?" Corey laughed. She shook her head, her hair was down and she wore a yellow, black, and red flannel that was unbuttoned and a few sizes too big for her giving it a laid back and lazy day look, under it she wore a grey t shirt and dark blue skinny jeans with small rips in the knee and upper leg. She wore black and white sneakers. A black lace scrunchy around her wrist.
She looked beautiful, even though she looked like she hardly tried, just brushed her hair and threw some clothes on she still looked stunning.
"why are you so late?" Aaron asked.
"I got held up in traffic." she panted.
"So you parked that far away?" Brennen asked.
She laughed and stood up straight, "yeah. I would have been about thirty minutes late if I hadn't. I literally pulled over, parked, and ran the rest of the way here the traffic was so bad." she laughed.
We all laughed with her, she was sweating and her face was slightly red. She shook her head through a smile.

A few moments later we all walked on stage. The room exploded in screams and cheers. Camila ran to the end of the stage and sat on the edge, her legs dangling over the side as she took autographs from some fans and signed them, laughing and talking to them.
She handed the last autograph back to the owner of it and stood back up, running to her seat in between brennen and i and sat down.
"Okay." Camila said into her microphone. She looked down the line of us with a smile on her face. "are we ready?" she asked us.
We all nodded or answered with yesses. "alright then. Let's do this." she smiled brightly, looking up at the audience of hundreds of fans in front of us.
A backstage worker held out a bowl of questions the fans had written down for us to answer. We would all answer each question if we had an answer come to mind.
Aaron drew the first question, "where do you see yourself in six months?" he read.
He looked down the line to whoever wanted to answer first.
Camila raised her hand and said her answer into the microphone. "hopefully doing just as good as I am now, I hope I don't wake up one day and just turn into a duchebag or something." she laughed. We all chuckled.
"I hope I'll be a lot smarter, like not bringing a cursed ouija board into my house or anything like that shit." Brennen said through a bit of frustration and annoyance.
"yeah! I saw that video!" Camila said while looking over at brennen.
"stupidest idea ever." Brennen said, shaking his head.
I raised my hand and said my answer to the question. "hopefully I have a girl friend." I laughed. A lot of girls in the audience screamed and some shouted their disagreement.
"woah. If you do get a girlfriend she might be murdered. Geez." Corey laughed. I chuckled and after everyone else answered the question and a few questions passed Sam drew a question out.
"if there was any two of you on the panel you would set up with each other, who would they be? Also whoever you choose should go on a date. I dare them." Sam read.
We all laughed. "like we choose brennen and Colby. Go on a date you two!" Jake laughed. We all laughed with them.
"but in all seriousness who would we set up?" Brennen asked.
Camila raised an eyebrow with a funny smile on her face as she looked down the line of us.
"I think Camila and Colby." Aaron said.
Camila and I looked at each other and she raised her eyebrows up and down with a mock suductive look on her face, I laughed, she was funny.
"you know what? I ship it." Brennen said.
"not your lover brennen!" Sam said jokingly.
"I know I know, but they look good together." Brennen said, putting his hands up in his own defense.
"yeah, I agree with Aaron and brennen."jake said.
" me too. "Sam and Corey said almost in unison. They looked at each other and laughed.
" okay then... Camila, would you go on a date with me? "I asked, turning toward her in my chair.
" yes I would. "she smiled.
My insides flipped a little at the thought of going out with someone so gorgeous and unique. It was hard to believe she didn't have a boyfriend already, but maybe she was like me, couldn't find someone worth being committed to, someone who she was in love with.
"now we need a ship name." Brennen said.
"how about Comila." Jake said.
"cola!" Corey said.
"guys guys, it's easy, Camy." Sam said.
They all agreed on Camy although I wasn't sure it was the greatest ship name.
After a few more questions we went to the meet and greet part.

Camila was glowing, her white teeth showing in a radiant smile every second as she signed autographs on paper, foreheads, phone cases, wallets, pictures, etc.
And it still shone as she took pictures with fans too. She laughed and talked with as many as she could. I couldn't help but stare at her as she made a silly face while hugging a red haired girl as she posed for a picture with her.
I smiled, she was too gorgeous. I snapped out of my stupor as another group of fans made it to me.

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