Round 2

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    Camila looked gorgeous. We were going out to a fancy reteraunt with several youtubers, each required a date to go. Brennen was taking his girl friend and Sam what taking Katrina,corey was taking his girl friend and Jake and Aaron didn't come because they hadn't found a date. A ton of other famous youtubers were there and it kinda made me feel a little invisible, they were much more famous than I was. I was impressed by how Camila made sure to introduce me to as many people she talked to and she tried to focus on me as much as possible. We laughed and drank and soon we were sitting by each other in a booth near the side wall, I felt her leg pressing against mine and looked over at her, she looked up at me and smile.
    "What?" she asked.
    "you look amazing." I smiled. She blushed and smiled brightly at me,
    "you do too!" she laughed. I laughed too and I was so tempted to take her hand at that moment and my temptation for doing so surprised me. Yes I thought she was beautiful but why did I want to hold her hand?
    When I took her home I decided to do a collab with just her and asked her about it.
    "would you want to do a haunted exploration with me?" I asked.
    She laughed, "what? That's your idea of a third date?" she joked.
    I reddened and shrugged, "you said it." I joked.
    She laughed and then broke into one of her bright heart melting smiles, "of course." she agreed.
    I smiled and gave her a hug before I left. I had been noticing little details no one word notice about her if they weren't in love with her, like her scent, the way her smile made her face look, how I memorized every feature she had, how her hair fell perfectly over her shoulders, how she was beautiful in every way.
    I got back to the house and had to go upstairs immediately to figure this out. I had never felt so strongly about someone in such a short time in years. And the first time it was because i was young and didn't need to make a huge step like I had to if I wanted to have a serious relationship with someone now.
    I took my tie off and my suit jacket and threw them on my bed. I loosened my white collar shirt and sat down at my desk, taking a random piece of paper on my desk and a pen.
    If I was going to really decide on doing what I thought I should I had to be certain about how I was feeling.
    I wrote down reasons of why I loved her:
    She was beautiful in every way, funny, unique, fearless, brave, cool, different than any other girl, kind, doesn't care what others think, loves everyone, charming, gorgeous, lovely.
    The list went on and on, the next list I made was reasons I shouldn't love her for, not that they were bad things but if I did love her for these things I would be seen as a gold digger.
    One of the most famous youtubers, rich, famous
    I couldn't think of anything else for that list and I started with the next one, how I feel around her:
    Happy, can be myself, fearless, would do anything for her, loved, accepted, joyful, Dont cate what others think, want nothing but her, want to make her feel safe and happy,
    The list went on. The next list I made was, how I feel when I'm not around her:
    Lonely, want nothing but her, missing her, a little sad, can't wait to see her, lost, not myself,
    The list, again, went on. After a few more lists I finally came to the conclusion that I was completely in love with Camila Moore.
    The only problem was, did she feel the same about me?

    I leaned against my apartment door as I closed it when Colby left. I couldn't help the overwhelming smile that spread across my face, I wanted to be with him forever, he was the guy I had always dreamed of but never thought existed. I buried my face in my hands and started to laugh. I was in love with Colby Brock, but did he feel the same about me?

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