Veins and Blotches

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Felix walked into the practice room as normal. He is thankful that he's actually still able to walk.

About a year ago, Felix figured out he has a virus. A virus he thought was existed in movies.

The Flare Virus.

The virus is deathly. The Flare slowly and painfully turns you into crazy blood-thirsty cannibal which are called Cranks. Cranks are dead-looking sick people with pale skin and pale eyes, with veins and blood blotches coming out of there body every-which-way. As you grow older, the effects of the flare start forming on your body.

Felix noticed he was contagious when he went to take a shower one day last year and he noticed some sort of black blotches and red veins popping out and growing on his stomach. Since then it has spread across his entire front body and his legs. It is also quickly spreading up his arms and hands.

He doesn't want to live like this, but Stray Kids are having a comeback soon and he doesn't want to disappoint his fans. So he will pull through as long as he can.

Felix has been wearing pants and long-sleeve shirts for about six months when the effects started becoming noticeable. He keeps his hands in his pockets most of the time, but when he is performing he puts gloves on to hide the blotches and veins. Nobody questions it. He is gonna have to start worrying about what to wear when it starts spreading to his neck and face, but he is has time.

So he thinks.

Felix's eyes are still his brown-blackish color and his skin tone is still it's fare color with his cute freckles.

He knows he starting to become crazy. The Flare is effecting his brain and personality a lot. Little things trigger him and he always feels the need to punch something. He can barley get any sleep because he can feel craziness take over his body.

Felix feels pain. Pain when he walks, talks, laughs, dances, raps, sleeps, breaths, eats, everything. It's constant. He ignores it to show that he's okay.

Even if he's not.

His boyfriend, Jisung, and everyone else don't suspect a thing. Felix keeps this virus a secret. He wants things to remain as normal as it's always been. He doesn't want everyone worrying about him every second of everyday.

Dance rehearsal had just ended for there newest comeback, titled I Am: WHO.

Felix sat down, sweating like crazy as well as everyone else. They all took off their shirts to cool down.

"Felix...why don't you take...your shirt off," Chan breathed out.

Felix instantly shook his head. "No...I'm fine!"

But he wasn't fine.

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