"Oh shit, I'm coming" says Sha holding on to me tight

"Ah fuck" I say as I come

I don't stop until I feel her tighten up around me and she starts shaking. I carry her back inside and we lay together.

"I really do" says Sha

"What" I say turning over out of breath

"Love you" says Sha looking away

"I love you" I say

"Don't go around telling people that shit though" says Sha slapping my stomach"I'm gonna shower then run a bath. I'll wake you up when I do.

"Yeah" I say closing my eyes

"Not to gas you or nothing but never in my life have I been fucked like that" says Sha laughing"You wild"

"I can get crazier" I say smiling

10 minutes later

"Lani, wake up Camila is calling you" says Sha"You can get in when your ready

"What's up" I say picking up the phone

"I'm freaking the fuck out, Normani is throwing up everywhere and she keeps saying she's gonna pass out"

"What the fuck" I say hopping up"I'm on my way now okay, if it gets worst call 911"

I stay on the phone with her and put my clothes on.

"We gotta go now, Camila said Normani is throwing up e everywhere and not feeling good" I say

"What the fuck, I'm getting out now" says Sha hopping out of the tub

"What's she doing now" I say

"Throwing up but she doesn't have anything on her stomach" says Camila"Your gonna be fine baby, Sha is on the way"

Me and Sha head down stairs and drive way. It wasn't that far from the condo but it seemed like it took forever to get there.

Camila POV

"Baby...I don't feel good" says Normani laying across the bed

*Knock knock*

"Thank God" says Camila opening the door as Sha runs over to Normani

"Mani boo" says Sha looking at her" What's wrong"

"I feel weak and I can't stop throwing up" says Normani as her eyes roll back

"Fuck we gotta take her to the hospital now" says Sha"Mani, don't fall asleep"

I pick Normani and take her to the car and put her in the backseat.

"What did you give her" says Sha pushing Camila

"Nothing I swear" says Camila"We watched TV for like 20 minutes then she said she was feeling weird"

"What the fuck are you guys doing get in the fucking car" I yell at them

I was driving so fast, I'm sure if I would have gotten pulled over I would have gotten my license taken away.

"Mani, stay awake" says Sha in the back seat with her

"Mmhm" says Normani leaning to the side throwing up"My stomach hurts so bad"

"We're here" I say getting out

"Hey you can't park there" says Security

"My girlfriend is really sick, I'm Niecys daughter" says Camila" The nurse...I need to get her in here now"

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