"You think I'm worried about her tryna take my shit?" Kain snapped, raising his voice.

Patrice screwed her face up while eyeing her son. "Boy I will slap the shit out of you. I am you're mother-you don't talk to me that way."

Kain didn't even reply back to his mom. He didn't like arguing with her. Instead, he just continued to drive while she continued ranting. He was going to drop her ass off as soon as possible.

"Don't get mad at me because your wife left you. You need to be trying to get your kids from her. Don't let her dense ass raise them."


"Kirsten, I'm trying my best not to spank you." Moonie warned her daughter as she fixed the strap on her Gucci sandal.

Kirsten looked beautiful. Her thick hair was in a nice curly fro. She was rocking a Gucci shirt, some denim shorts, and a pair of Gucci sandals.

Unfortunately, Kirsten wasn't worried about her outfit. She was way too busy crying her little eyes out.

"See how your brother is looking at you?" Moonie asked her daughter while holding her son up in her arms. Kai looked over at Kirsten and started smiling, showing off his gummy smile.

Kirsten continued to cry with her mouth wide open. Seeing her brother laugh at her only made her cry harder.

A couple of knocks grabbed Moonie's attention. She noticed that her Papa Gerald had walked inside the room. His health was much better now-he was able to do more things. Papa was a tall, thick man with grayish hair.

"Let me get my boy." Papa told his granddaughter.

Moonie didn't hesitate at all, she passed her son to her grandfather and watched as he loved on his great-grandson. He glanced over at Kirsten who was still crying.

"What's the matter with her?" Papa asked, pointing at Kirsten.

"She just misses her dad." Moonie admitted. She knew why Kirsten was having a tantrum. She wanted Kain. She was used to waking up to her daddy.

"She a daddy's girl, huh?"

"That's right." Moonie replied back. "But I'm about to give her a spanking."

"No, don't do that. Don't do that Moon. Just let her have her moment. She'll be fine." Papa reasoned while waving her off.

"Papa it's driving me crazy. She been crying since we got up. I just might call Kain and let him come and get her." Moonie stated with a slight scowl.

"You don't need to be separating your kids." Papa objected. "Just be patient. You know how kids are."

"Yeah." Moonie huffed. "Do you feel like watching Kai while I take Juicy out for some ice cream?"

"Go ahead, I'll watch him. He'll be fine with me." Papa held Kai up in his arms, he was proud of his handsome, great-grandson.


To keep Kirsten from throwing tantrums, Moonie took Kirsten to American Girl. She purchased her an expensive brand new baby doll with some expensive ass accessories to go with it.

After shopping at American Girl, Moonie went to a couple of stores to shop for herself and her kids. Afterwards, she took Kirsten out for ice cream. Kirsten wasn't crying anymore, instead she was talking Moonie to death.

Later on, Moonie arrived at her mom's house. She and Kirsten decided to hangout over there to kill time. They had nothing to do.

"Girl your husband came over here looking for you." Nia informed her daughter as she sat at her desk. "He knew your truck wasn't outside but he kept asking me where you was."

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