Chapter 30: Love The Way You Lie

Start from the beginning

She bit her bottom lip, frustrated. “You know that’s not what I wanted to hear. I want to be mad at him.”

Mark just laughed, “For once in your life, Riley. Let it go. I don’t think he’s trying to hurt you, okay? And if he is, then you can come live with me and I’ll fly my ass over to Michigan and beat him senseless. Sound like a deal?”

She giggled back, “Deal.”

“Alright,” Mark sighed, “Now stop thinking about it and go to sleep.”

She smiled to herself, “Thanks, Mark.”

“Anytime,” He said. Then added, “But maybe daylight hours next time, okay?”


She cut the connection and placed her mobile on her bedside table. Mark was right. About everything. But it still didn’t change the fact that he was willing to throw her under the bus for Kim. She couldn’t shake the horrible idea that he could do it again. Although, he’d seemingly grown up a little since his childhood. But his career wasn’t exactly a great reflection of that. She’d seen firsthand the reckless nature of Slim Shady but she knew that wasn’t the real him….

Sighing, she still felt torn. While her chat with Mark helped her gain some perspective, she wasn’t sure what to do or where this left them. She’d regretted leaving so abruptly but she couldn’t even look at him without seeing flashes of her past. Every time she looked into his eye, she found herself being spun back to those autumn months in the eastern suburbs of Detroit. The conversation she’d overheard in his house, all those years ago, kept replying over and over in her head, almost like an echo.

Flicking off her lamp, she laid back into the covers, still not feeling like she was at home yet. This bed was much softer than her hard mattress at home. She felt like she was lying on a cloud, that her weight was unsupported. It was an odd sensation that she found unrelaxing. Sighing, she closed her eyes and tried to push away all her worrying thoughts. If she could just rest now, she could figure something out tomorrow.


It’d taken Marshall a majority of the morning to find the old photo albums. Most of them, Kim had taken with her when they’d divorced. However, when he’d resorted to the upstairs storage cupboard, he’d found a few jammed in a few old boxes.

 He’d spent the next hour flicking through them. Some of the photos were ridiculous, bringing back all the memories from his childhood. He remembered that Riley loved to take photos and brought her damn Minolta with her, everywhere. She was always giving him photos, a lot of which he’d just shoved away into the albums, hardly looking at them.

As he scanned through all of them, he could almost create a timeline as he laid them out. There were old photos of him and Riley, in the brief period that they had dated. Then there were some with Riley and Kim that he’d taken himself. He could only smile, as the memories came flooding back with an overwhelming sense of nostalgia. Even back then, they’d all gotten along. What had changed?

Running his hand over his head, he could only sigh. Riley was out of his league. She’d always done right by him and tried to help him. He really didn’t deserve her. All he’d brought her was pain and disappointment, even if it wasn’t intentional. He’d broke her heart at a young age, given up on seeking her out once she’d moved, gotten her hopes up for a business proposition that had only fallen through, toyed with her emotions with his own ignorance and snapped at her when she opened up to him. He’d really screwed things up…

“You’re a fucking moron, you know that right?” Proof voice tore through the room, making Marshall jump, unexpectedly.

“Far out, Proof. I’m regretting giving you a key,” He shook his head, trying to calm himself from the shock. “You’re always sneaking up on me.”

Proof smirked but practically ignored him as he crossed the room and stood across from him. “Have you called her yet?” Marshall shook his head. Proof just rolled his eyes. “You’re fantastic at ruining relationships, aren’t you?”

Proof’s words cut him and he bit back, “Shut up.” Why Proof had come over, he didn’t know. He’d seen the whole scenario yesterday and knew how much Marshall liked Riley. It seemed like he was just here to rub it in. “What do you want?”

Proof finally sat down, but on the edge of the coffee table, looking him straight in the eye. “As your friend I’m here to kick your ass and tell you that if you don’t do something, all that happiness I’ve finally started seeing in you again, is going to be out the window.” Marshall sat back against the sofa, drawing in a deep breath.

Proof continued, “I’ve seen the way you look at her. I want you guys to work out but if you want that too, you’ve got a serious amount of explaining to do. She’s the nicest chick I’ve met in years, so don’t fuck this up.”

Marshall swallowed and nodded. He had to tell Riley how he felt. From the moment he’d laid eyes on her in LA, he knew he loved her but hadn’t come to terms with it until recently. She was everything he ever wanted. She stuck to her guns in every situation and like him for who he was. He hadn’t been very fair to her, hell… he wasn’t if sure if she felt the same way or what her motive was in all of this. Just a few weeks ago in Miami, they both agreed that they were in this for the long haul. He’d just never thought they’d be facing a battle so soon. If nothing else, he had to get his feelings off his chest. Proof was right. He couldn’t make another relationship mistake. Riley deserved more than that.

“Okay,” He finally agreed. “I’m going to give her a call.”

Proof tapped him on the shoulder with a heavy palm, “Good. I have to go, but let me know how it all works out.” He stood up and walked over to the door.

As he left, Marshall called out to him, “Yo, Proof?”

For a moment, his best friend turned back and glanced at him. “Yeah?”

“Thanks,” He said, truly grateful, “For everything.”

Proof gave him a single nod and pulled a faint smile before turning around and leaving. 

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